Twottle_Birb banned by Pixelman77 l

Game & Discord
As cap, saw 2 assistants beating a random miner helped them to kill the guy also posted gore porn on discord the same day
Posting goatse should only be a discord ban as it has no bearing on the game and I saw the miner attacking people

Bans about erotic content usually is counted as community ban (afaik), that means server and discord usually, so not really that strange to be honest

This isn’t community ban.

Can anyone vouch for you?

what do you mean by that?

Is there a server on which you played reasonable amount and it can vouch for your good behavior?

Why did you make a new forum account?

i couldnt get into the old one

no i didnt really play anywhere but here

How are you permanent

Bit strange that you are also permanently banned from Fulpstation and TG then. Yogstation also provides a negative record of you.

This ban will not be lifted unless you can convince a major server to produce a vouch for good behavior.