TubeStation Dev Thread - Comunity Bonanza Edition

So, this years old dead meme got some minor discussion in the mapping channel on discord.
Apparently some people still care? Im suprised but glad to hear it.

Last time around, i said i’d consider letting the comuninity continue the good work where i cant be botherd. But then i never did it.
Or rather… it was on my git the entire time, i just never made a post like this hehe.

There are 2 versions of the map, and two branches.

#1 - the meme version.

This one is **FULLY FUNCTIONAL IN EVERY RELEVANT WAY** But, it also does not feature any way of traversing the station what so ever, besides maints and tubes. It was made as a joke. Im just realy autistic and could not stand to leave it as a skelleton noooooo... it had to be fully functioning with wireing, atmos, disposals, fucking bot vanigation markers ect ect.

If you wish to look at or work of this version, it can be found in the original PR (Adds TubeStation by llol111 · Pull Request #6545 · BeeStation/BeeStation-Hornet · GitHub)
or in my git branch GitHub - llol111/BeeStation-Hornet at funny

Ive left that branch unupdated, so it should still be functional on that branch. I think?

Image of the map at time of writing

#2 - the "serious attempt"

Some time later, i decided to give it another shot, while respecting the no 1 obvious thing that would have made the meme version hell to play - there need to be hallways. To walk around in, not *just* tubes.

The idea here was to have a donut shape central hallway, but with a center hole large enough to make corner-to-corner tube travel a valid way of traversal.

But, while i did some things here… i didnt even finish the basic layout before getting creatively burned out. Let alone the hell that is mapping pipes and wires ect.

I think this one is, in fundamental conception, the more “workable” version of the map, though its way way way less finished and far from functional.

This one is found in the branch at GitHub - llol111/BeeStation-Hornet at descriptive_name
Ive merged master into it at time of writing, so due to age if you load this up it will probabbly throw some pathing errors ect. Good luck with that.

Image of the state of the map at posting

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

So here you go. Go nuts.
At the end of the day, im just happy if the work i put in survives in some form. So if you wanna comepletely steal either of these and finish it on your own? Go right ahead so long as you give me credit.

BUuuuttt… i think it’d be better if you used this thread or #mapping to work on this together. You could them PR changed to my git, and ill try my best to stay on top of merging them in if i think they look like they’re ok, dont conflict, i like them ect ect.

Nothing besides the tubes being a central part of the map is non-negotiable. Like i said, go nuts.
Maybe, just maybe, the power of comunity colaboration will make the meme come real? Or maybe not. Im not gonna lie, its no sweat of my back either way.

But if you care at all about this silly silly thing, im happy to have you.


I think you will have a lot better results starting from scratch, rather than a 4 yr old deprecated 2021 meme.

If people want to do that thats fine also, but then they could have done that the whole time without me needing to make a post like this.

TubeSisters… we are home…

This man
Controls the TUBES
Next to him

O look at that shape, we could call it Donut Station.

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A donut is just a flat tube.

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