Truthbringer (name) banned by Freshmeatlover

Title: Truthbringer name banned by Freshmeatlover

Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
“…not strictly being an object, concept, or event.”
Appeal Reason:
I heavily disagree with this ruling as Truth is a concept and bringer can be a profession. For these reasons, I think Truthbringer is a valid moth name. I actually play off my name too and I am very honest and many times turn myself in as antag, its kind of my most well known gimmick. I would really ask to reconsider this ban of the name because I feel like my character is being destroyed.
Additional Information:
Words like “Fisherman” or “Dragonslayer” are compound words but still REAL WORDS. Truthbringer is the exact same thing.

Very important: admin 007craigmc ruled my name as acceptable before it was overruled.


‘Truth’ is a concept. ‘Truthbringer’ is not.

Real or not none of them fit the “object, concept or event” criteria.

Humans can have last names based on their professions like Smith, Baker, etc but moths can’t…

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That’s because humans have a different set of naming guidelines than moths do.

For humans it’s “Normal human names, the kind that won’t raise an eyebrow if you chose to name your child.”. Generally this means a First Name Last Name sort of deal.

Where as with moths it’s “Latin (or psuedo-latin) species name OR a Single word object, concept or event of some special significance to the character.”. Moths don’t really work off the same First Name Last Name basis that humans do.

So I’m just confused about the “some special significance to the character.” Because being honest and forthcoming is an essential part of his personality.


Could just use Truth as a name

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I guess I’ll just have to main clown and mime from now on.

It means that whatever single word object/concept/event you use for the name should have some notable significance or meaning for the character. For example like Peppercats suggested ‘Truth’ could work because it’s a single word concept. The ‘special significance to the character’ part in that case would be that your character particularly values being truthful.


seems kinda easy to bend the rules to allow Truthbringer as a concept (‘entity that brings truth to a situation’) especially given that it’s a good-faith RP name that helps someone have a constant and visible guideline for how they’re gonna spice up rounds.

not really sure what quality is improved by enforcing the naming guidelines against a character that’s consistently been a roleplay driver.

the addition of ‘bringer’ adds a conviction and edge that truth alone cannot really convey imo.


This just raises the question of why these guidelines are so strict to begin with. Are they guidelines or are they rules? We already know the answer to that based on how hard benign names have been moderated. I think most people will agree that Truthbringer is a fine, if not good name. Does it fit the guidelines, well considering multiple admins have decided differently on it lets just say its a grey area.
The better question is why are naming rules so strict or arbitrary on their ruling? Is there any good reason why latin was picked for moths and not Portuguese? Why are objects okay? Why does it have to be one word? These are all questions that were decided with no input from the community but by either one individual or the handful of mods we have.

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Consistency. We can’t just go and bend predefined guidelines for some people, all that would do is just cause even more problems and it would rightfully upset other people that we didn’t grant an exception to.

A headmin backing the name change means this isn’t a grey area.

Worth mentioning that moth names used to only be latin or psuedo-latin. The ‘simple’ name part of their naming guidelines was added in part due to a community suggestion

My opinion is that they are guidelines, not a block of code that determines if it should be accepted or not. If it sounds like a moth name and isn’t a clear meme, it should be fine imo.


Let me make a new community suggestion: relax a little on the naming guides. They exist to inspire nice names, not stifle them.

edit: When was the last time a ban appeal had 22 likes on it? Doesn’t this tell you something damning?


Truthbringer could be an event, kinda like how we refer to events by the people who instigated them (e.g. D.B. Cooper)

Locking this due to the mass drama and peanut posting
Lets wait for Fresh to handle this.

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That is the actual issue here. And why we stopped doing “approved” names notes.

Having to change your known character sucks ass and I apologize for that. But there won’t be an exception here, it would be unfair towards all the other people who’ve had to change their names as well.

Truthbringer as a moth name does not fit. It is a compound and not a single word object or concept. Truthbringer isn’t a real word. “Notebook” for example would be.

I’d suggest you change your name to “Truth” if you still want to run with the same character.