Troontjelolo1010 *banished* by Winter Darkraven

Admin’s CKEY:
Winter Darkraven
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Both (Sage til the 23rd, both expires the 17th)
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
Server Ban
Ban Length:
Sage til the 23rd, all til 17th.
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
R4. On a greenshift decided to attack security because they shoved him. No.
Appeal Reason:
I did not self-antag, nor attack security without following The Escelation Guidelines™. I was Cleans-The-Dishes, bartender. I had to deal with lots of people barclimbing. One of these people was a lizard. I got into a scuffle with them and they managed to grab my shotgun in the middle, but luckily, it wasn’t loaded. Security arrives after I crit the lizard with the cakehat. He gets arrested by Leo (Important for later). I want my drinks back, so I yell at Leo that he took my drinks. He tries to walk off so I try and grab the bag for myself with all the liquir in it. I grabbed it but alas, pepperspray! I got brigged along with the counterhopper. The reason for my arrest from Leo was assault and resising arrest. I found these charges shite so I complained to the HOS like a middle aged women complains to a manager and it works no less! I get my 250 buckos compensation and get a get out of jail free card, which I immediatly use to get out of brig. More shit happens, not relevant to the story, and I realise “oh right, my shotgun. I need my shotgun.” so I waltz back to security to go get it. After moaning about it for a while I get Leo’s attention, I yell at him “Where is my shotgun?”. He first says he doesn’t have it, but then said he renamed it? Then he walks off. Finally, I get let in and I immediatly march towards the evidence lockers. I, however, get cussed at and start being grabbed by my tail and used as a volleyball by security, one of which was assigned to science. I could not remember their name, but let’s call them Bob for simplicity sake. After a while of Bob and his fellow officer passing me around the warden steps in and gives me this disgusting normal shotgun for compensation. I find it good enough and the warden tells me “No lethals.” This would imply there’d be no lethals loaded inside the shotgun, which I did check. I saw green shells. Then I see Bob a few other times, harassing people and smashing people’s heads in with bottles (or at least some kind of containers). After I try to put him in his place he tries to choke me. I fight back and Leo walks right around when me and Bob are in a scuffle. Leo tries to arrest me, shooting at me with his disabler without a word like a true American officer. Bob, however, a man of pride says “It’s cool” and I am let go. He even gives me his shield. I walk back to bar and greet Mike, to who I’ve been a bit to an asshole too. But he understands after I tell him the situation. I propose to him to protest and he accepts, we get a few more buddies and march to sec. Molotovs ready. Hell, a miner even had a hiero and gave it to me. Quickly after shit hit the fan though, I gave it back to him. To get to the shit hitting the fanning we first need to take a few steps back. Me and the bro’s arrive at sec, chins up, confidence to the max. Captain asks what this is about and when I tell them about the stolen bar shotgun he reacts rather… Amused. Clown comes in with lube and it’s the ultimate recipe for disaster. I start dissasembling the cell window as a peaceful, but vandal, way of protest. In response the warden closes the shutter. I get into a scuffle with the warden and shove them. The hiero is used either by me or the miner whilst officers slip and fall whilst they try to arrest the protestors. I grab out the molotovs and throw it at Leo whilst he is arresting someone else, the clown lubes MORE PEOPLE. It’s horrible, horrible. I retreat because I’m on fire and this geneticist and clown are bullying an officer, stealing his stuff. I help them and try to disable the officer and reverso arrest him. He escapes, though, and I realise all hope is lost. I try and retreat to dorms and see the secs chasing me. I panick, I do not want to be cought, so I use my NON-LETHAL SHELLS to slow them down. Alas, they start using lethal lasers on me and I surrender with the beautiful *surrender emote.

Then I get gibbed by an admin *clap *spin *flip

Let’s dissect what happened here and compare it to the escelation rules.
The sec-bartender fued began with:
-Pepperspraying, and later tailgrabbing. 1 in escelation.
-From security too, Bob, who starts smashing heads in, 2 in escelation.
-Me and the boys, including Mike and not mentioned in the story, Chinese knock off Gukle (Ukle), we use things like molotovs and hiero’s, this is 3 in escelation.
-Everyone 4 during the protest turned riot.
-Security starts shooting lethals at me (5) because I fired upon them with non-lethal shotgun shells (3, since I was legging it and intended to slow them down, not crit which would be 4).
-I get gibbed, owie.

Additional Information:
“There is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy and there’s no additional information.”


The moment you decided to go up to Security with the gang to start shit is the moment you lost me. Up until then things seemed fine but bruh, in what world did you think

“Oh now that things seem to be fine, settled and over with. I am going to go back with molotovs and dismantle brig cells then use more lethals” was a good idea? You pretty much went from telling a decent understandable situation to going full “AND THEN I SAID FUCK THE RULES AND STARTED BLASTING”

Replace “protest” with “decided to break the rules” and that seems about right


this seriously seems like an ic conflict. smiting someone when they surrender seems like a dick move, and he did follow proper escalation. admeme didn’t need to get involved

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I was the Warden that round. An officer lost your shotgun, and yes, I checked evidence storage, and no, it was not there, and I felt bad for you getting your shit stolen, so I gave you a normal Riot Shotgun, which is literally better in every way compared to the sawn-off, as compensation, told you “No lethals” as a request to please not load any lethal shells, and sent you on your way.

We got moved to Red Alert due to people already rampantly griefing and trying to nosedive the round into a cliff, so I have no idea why you had the genius idea of trying to start a full-scale riot on the alert level where security are literally allowed to conduct mass-raids on departments, arrest and completely detain ANY crewmember they deem a threat to the station, and all crewmembers are expected to remain in their departments, but you did, over a lost shotgun that you already got reimbursed for.

The fighting started when I tried to non-harmfully shove a guy out of the brig after he tried to follow me in, at which point the miner unleashed a fucking Hierophant club that half-killed almost the entire security team, someone threw a fucking molotov that exploded and fucked over everyone present, two people tried to just raw beat security to death after hijinks, and then an officer screamed over the radio “HELP” and I saw you disabling them in the hall.

You are, at this point, on Red Alert, on a confirmed green-shift, armed with multiple bombs, have a shotgun, have a stolen disabler, have literally been the inciting point for a riot that left an officer dead and mortally wounded several others, and were still trying to fight security before running away. Then when you shot me with the beanbags to “slow me down” and I saw you had absolutely no intention of stopping, I brought out the only things I had on me - Which were lethals - And blasted you until you either surrendered or went into crit, then tried to handcuff you after you surrendered without attempting to further hurt you.

I literally cannot see a world in which you are not a massive shitter in this situation. I don’t get the smite either but what I can imagine happening post-arrest was you screaming “SHITSEC SHITSEC” over and over and over before either going catatonic in perma the moment your self-antag funtimes ended or trying to get other people to self-antag and break you out by screaming on the shuttle, so I can’t say i’m sad about not getting to RP further the arrest.


You had me until “So we decided to take molotovs and start a full scale riot”.

Keep the ban, but didn’t need an admin smite - would have been better to let the rest of the station play it out to some degree.

Could have offered him to ghosts with a custom antag role or some such to allow the situation to play out naturally even if the situation was brought about outside of the rules.


The smite was overkill.

Do not break into Brig with a mob. Security are allowed to use lethal force on a mob storming Brig, they could’ve murderer anyone and I wouldn’t care – it’s allowed.

Everything in this situation was in your favour. You were released from a wrongful sentence, given a better shotgun, and let go without a single charge. Yet, you came back for not even revenge. There was nothing to avenge.

If you haven’t learned your lesson, take a few more days to think about it.

Love this idea.

