Toy Story 4 thread


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Toy Story 2 will always be the best one

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I liked Toy Story 4.

Mostly the R. L. Stine freaky dolls, but the rest was decent.

I think it told a story of how a character got accidentally reconned better than some other media. Decent emotional maturity given that it’s a kids film.


I haven’t watched toy story 4

never saw it, I just remember them marketing that fork thing into the ground. it struck me as odd how many toys they were selling of it… like if a kid wants a toy made out of trash, can’t they just make that themselves?


But then it wouldnt be company branded trash with a cool box they could throw into a landfill!

Yeah almost like there’s a direct disconnect from whoever writing Forky as a character, being that creativity and personalization is more fun and better than some branded trash, and Disney’s marketing team, who y’know, are out for your wallet?

I swore i’d never break this out again

See this character? This, is why forky is a good character.

It’s the



i think this is especially fun given what’s happened to disco elysium and za/um


Arrived just in time for marxist thought discussion


damn that was a good comeback

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