Top Ten Anime Moments in Beestory

that entire thing was a fucking Batman reference

Capital Mood.

20 character limit.

Lmao that was a fun round, I’m the ghost in the middle of the pic mocha is to the right

I’m the blonde ghost in that picture

I will share a round too, there was a round with traitor chaplain changeling. Kira Yoshikage
Changeling can revive after his grace eats him, well imagine the rest, body count was 35 I believe after his grace exploded.
I still vividly remember golden his grace in an empty hallway next to medbay and showroom without soul in it, if u listen carefully u could hear ghosts speak who haunted the wretched toolbox

I believe I saw mocha there, maybe I made a mistake, her ghost looks the same

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I avenged Lubricant Bob’s ban, CQCing the server while wearing a beret and eyepatch.

Admin plays Mike oldfield - Nuclear

Some guy gets me in the end but an assistant, god bless him, gets me to medical cloning. Himself dying in the process.

I am reborn as Punished Venom Owen McShain

You blind Terry Begum with the flash!

You start planting C4. The timer is set to 10…

Punished Venom Owen McShain (as Dallas Weeter) says, “This is for bob.”

You plant the bomb. Timer counting down from 10.

Terry Begum says, “Who.”


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I had sex
Bottom text

Here’s one from months ago. (might have forgotten some small details and the order of events but no biggie ayylmao)

Be Ai
Do ai things
Captain decides that doing AI things isn’t good enough
Ends up deciding to add the Hogan lawset onto me!
Huh, this could be fun!
Pretend to act like a TRUE american for the rest of the shift.
“Greetings my fellow friends, family, but more importantly, my fellow Americans!!”
Start referring the captain as Mr President.
Someone’s threatening to kill me?
Enable lethals just for good measures!

Captain’s ducking loving this AMERICAN RP
RD casually walks into my core room with lethals enabled.
No worries, let’s see what the president is up to-
Niceeee, guess I’ll play along.
“You heard the president crew. We’re gonna make America great again!!”
The captain slowly descends into tyranny, taking a poor ‘refugee’ to trial!
The rd is now back, but as a centcom lawyer somehow.
Everything looks bleak for the ‘refugee’, the system’s rigged against em, it’s only a matter of time left before they’re deported.

But then.

Nylaa: “if this is America, then surely holding an election is the most American thing to do?”

Huh, the pai is right!
“My fellow Americans, we will soon be holding an election, who here wishes to run for presidency?!”
The captain is furious about the sudden election but eventually agrees to partake in it.
“Anyone else?”
Nylaa: “I will!”
Some other nerds tried their luck, but just like in real life, no one cares about the small parties :clown_face:
“Very well, crew please begin voting on who you want as your next president!”
I give em a minute to vote.
45 seconds… The votes start flooding in.
30 seconds… Oh god that’s a lot of votes to sift through.
10 seconds… Someone wants to run for presidency, pffft too late bro!
5… 4… 3… 2… 1.
“Times up crew, time to announce the results!!”

“An overwhelming victory for Nylaa!!”
“Congratulations miss president, but what will your first executive order be?!!”

Nylaa: “The ‘refugee’ will now be treated as a true American citizen!”
“At once, is there anything else you wish to say?”
Nylaa:“The captain will have his citizenship revoked & is now a ‘dirty’ refugee”
The captain is furious but is powerless to stop it
The shuttle arrives, the newly elected president makes it onto the shuttle with the former ‘refugee’.

As with most rounds, no one wants to evacuate the AI…Smh.
“Miss president, promise me that you’ll lead our fellow Americans to safety!”
Nylaa “Don’t worry, Nylaa will keep em safe!”

And that folks, was how Nylaa made America great again.

Oh nice, this ended up being a wall of text, but I won’t lie, this round was definitely one of my most memorable rounds here
Edit: Smh, typing on a phone is a pain

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I wish I had been there to see that. Seriously.

Was that LRP or MRP, out of curiousity.

It was LRP if I remember correctly
The refugee was Nyaski and I managed to get another contender out of the race by making them my vice president

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When MRP server first launched, a few engineers spent every round for a few rounds in a row constructing SM setups the likes of which noone has ever seen before or has seen since. The most powerful of which pumped literally all of atmos into the SM while isolating tritium and recirculating it as coolant while perspiring the rest out into space.

It was probably the most energetic I’ve ever seen a supermatter outside of gamebreaking bugs and doomsday devices made with the intention of killing everyone. My only regret is not radboosting it with bins.

I’ll post another one:

Admins were doing a silly event related to the hotel and thought it would be funny to remove the bomb cap. A bomb went off in the bomb testing range, which was so energetic it reached all the way to cargo.

Asciisquid in VC: I’ll let you guys adminbus, but if one of you gets caught your all getting a strike, consider it… stealthbus.

Admin VC: yes.

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what happened after?

The end times.

Plus a strike or two.

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Consider 3 blobs and two solonukies which the crew all defeated some how. we really just wanted to end the round.


using the power of navigation gigabeacons, I managed to get a syndicate shuttle down to the syndicate lavaland base. I eventually died trying to bring a live xenomorph sample down to the base.

I made friends with the comms agent, and gave them a megaphone in exhange for a syndicate deck of cards for illegal research.

oh i just read in ooc about this

thats pretty cool tbh i was just xeno hunter that round running with facehugger in each hand