Title: [Trevor Hunt and Vaughn Briggs] Player Report

In-game report:

   Title: [Trevor Hunt and Vaughn Briggs] Player Report

   Your Discord: EmiliaPains#0596

   Offender’s CKEY: Trevir Hunt and Vaughn Briggs(I do not know their CKEYS)

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Trevir Hunt and Vaughn Briggs

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 17/10/2020

   Round Number: 22736

   Rules Broken: Shitsec

   Incident Description: Ok so i was playing as geneticist with john burgers IC and two sec officers come over banging on the window multiple times i come over and ask what, im trying to work here. they show a head and i saw fuck off, they say revive him, i state for them to ask more kindly, they say open the goddamm door, i say fuck off get the fuck out this isnt a pub, my coworker opens the door not knowing whats going on security arrests me and then beats down my coworker for trying to stop my arrest. they stated my arrest for insubordination 

   Additional Information: I looked up on the rules and wiki and insubordination can only be applied by a head of staff not security https://prnt.sc/v1co5c

you can’t really make a meaningful report unless you were removed from the round for more than 10 min or were killed/removed completely just as a rule of thumb.

Marking this as denied.

While sec shouldn’t have charged you with insubordination, they weren’t overly excessive.
There is also no reason to deny cloning someone in this case besides being a dick for the sake of it.