Title: [Strange_Boi] banned by [multiple, including host]

Admin’s CKEY:
There been plenty, some people arent even admins now as far as I know.
Ban Type:
Like 3 bans combined into a perma
Ban Length:
End of Times
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Multiple, but I think mainly think its the mixture of my opinions which I decided to express not in the nicest way and some misunderstanding regarding discord mute.
Appeal Reason:
Its been 2 years since, I will expand in additional
Additional Information:
Sup gamers.
Usually Id make a cool name and stuff but decided to make it modest.
Its been 2 years, I took a break from ss13 for a while and got in whole lot more things IRL for this time.
So I came back, many serbers are dead, some new are not really pleasent to play. So I decided that maybe Id write this.

I agree, I should have been more chill about things, expressing my opinion like that is cringy looking for me today and I am sorry. I am too ocupied now to care about being edgy stupid fella, all I want is chill and build cool stuff to share. Although to be honest, my opinions still differ from that most people here share, I dont really think I want to bother anyone anymore. I dont have a person to vouch for me, there is one cool person but I dont want them to get associated with me here. If youd check, I got none recent bans or even warnings, and I have been leaving plenty screenshots in discord with cool things and gimmicks I been doing.

I am especially sorry to Crossedfall, and a few things I wanted to also tell ya, that one reply to The Ballad post I made was real good, and the art, before this happened I was checking it out time to time.
And to others whom might have understood me differently than I tried to express.
(While I can speak okayish I guess, there are meanings and intents that dont translate well into English and while in English they dont really make a difference what words mean, In my native one they have collosal differences. )
Not all that I wanted to express here but best I could rn.

Thanks and Happy New Year.

Regarding that one “nazi comparison” thing, It was a misunderstanding and if you care to know what I meant there:
I was refering to how it is possible and easy to make people follow even most disgusting ideas because we had an argument with someone, so I used the most hardcore one I guess.

I wouldnt be able to reply for quite a while so please leave me a possibility to try to explain myself or say sorry as things get in here.
Thanks again!

You need to get someone on another server (staff) to vouch for you

if i’m lookin at this ban correctly it should just be a come to forums one?

this the ban?

Upheld as a perma in their appeal.

what joel says is correct.

With me deciding to treat the ban as a regular permaban back in '22, that hasnt changed.
With it being 2024 now, you’ve met the condition of a year having passed.
You also require a vouch, though.
Which is to say, an admin of another reputable server saying “yea, this is a decent player. I vouch for them”.

Do you have one?

This appeal will be treating the game ban, as youve filed it under “game ban appeals”. Any dicord mute/ban appealing should go into its own thread.

Yeah this waa the original actual gameban, they decided to combine it with discord ban thus making it into a perma

Yeah I understand, not sure if Id want to come discord again regardless of the outcome tho.
As for vouch, I got no buddy buddies among any server admins, I can get a vouch from few not very large servers, been playing offbrand shiptest fork for quite a bit but would prefer to send it in DM if possible.

Dmed you a picture with explanation

right, yep. Recieved.
Ill have to check with the rest of the team if we’re gonna accept a vouch from russian offbran shitpest.
Dont get your hopes up, but i’ll discuss it with the lads first before outright telling you no.

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Yeah sure but hey its commonly around 15-20ish people and peaking 30 plus sometimes, and honestly only server I put some dedication for a while.

Anyways, thanks a lot.

Hey, im sorry to say after discussion we’ve decided that off-brand russian shitpest is not what we’re looking for as a vouch from a reputable server.
Which isnt to say its a shit server or anything, we just dont realy have any way to confirm whether or not its good or not.

If you could get a vouch from a more classical reputable server, that’d be great.
Otherwise i’ll have to deny this, and we’ll speak again in a few weeks once you’ve aquired one.

Sorry mate.

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Legit dying rn from being ill sorry if some of the text reads funnily.
I mean, a respectable server is very vivid term ss13 wise tbh.
And they are now even launching new SCP code, you could probably check their rules to give that place values some score. I may offer you my goon stuff from the times I got really into telesci or scrounge some good notes from TG but on the most part I tended to keep to myself and not really be buddy-buddy with anyone on ss13 except few people who are either now gone from the game or arent in any way an admin.

To be straight about it, I now have to go pretend be a buddy to some major server admin just out of the sudden, which is both wierd and not something I think I will do cause it would be extra strange.
Is there a way to just put an explosive collar on me Fallout New Vegas style?
Why would I put this much effort into getting unbanned 2 years after, to do something ingame to get me banned, it wasnt even what got me the perma.


No, there isnt. Having a good vouch is non negotiable.

You dont have to be “buddy buddy” with anyone. Just spend some time playing without getting notes or bans, showing off that you can behave yourself. Then once youve done that for some weeks just ahelp ingame or on discord and ask em if they would vouch.
then we’ll get into contact with their administation to confirm.

yea ngl i forgot about this thread existing. :eyes:
Since theres no developments sincem febuary, ill close this. If you do end up aquiring a vouch at some point - go ahead an open another thread.

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