Title: Elchorico noted by Chiryn

Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
22-08-07 21:05:49
Round ID:
Ban Reason:

Appeal Reason:
I was alone, with nobody to even hear me, in a shuttle.
I opened a crate and took a russian coat, and said “Drip acquired.” That is it.
I do not believe that I should be getting a note for saying the word “Drip.” after getting a stylish looking coat.
Also, be real, I was styling.
Additional Information:
Do not we also have items literally named “drip shoes” and “drip clothes”.


I mean, noting someone for saying ‘drip’ once as QM when there was noone else around, isn’t that overzealous? Can anyone explain to me how is that a bannable offense? (being noted means said action is a bannable offense since what would be the result of saying ‘drip’ again in the rounds afterwards?).

In addition, during the same round I said ‘ghosted’ instead of ‘SSDed’ (or whatever you want to be said about people whose soul is gone) once, I fixed my mistake immediately because it was just a slip up, and I didn’t get a note from the very same moderator. People, even admins, make small mistakes all the time, it’s not fair to be written up for every one of them.

I don’t remember “drip” clothing, but I certainly remember Swag Shoes, which is basically a direct synonym of drip in this context.

tbf Chiryn is a new staff and maybe they were not aware of these clothing?

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I would understand if I was repeating drip and memeing the shit out of it, but come on, saying it once when I am completely isolated?

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I was the primary admin handling the guided tickets and such. You weren’t as, “alone” as you claim. You were reported. Chiryn didn’t go out of their way to note you.

You also didn’t say it to yourself, you broadcasted it over commons.

TCOMMS: Elchorico/(Rahul Hamad) [Common] (spans: ) “The drip.” (language: Galactic Common) (Mining Shuttle (51, 51, 5))

What. Was there a wall t-comms terminal? Also, wasnt the shuttle midflight?

Still it’s a slip-up, did they say it again afterwards to warrant the action? Like come on…

It’s not a ban, Mat. It’s a note. We document pretty much all of our engagements with players.

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Is “drip” considered netspeak? I was unaware of this personally

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As stated, notes imply that if it repeats, is it bannable. It makes a statement that simply saying the word “Drip”, even in a context where it arguably isnt just memeing around, is bannable.

Also I had plenty of bwoinks where I did not end up with a note after chatting it out with the admin, especially over very minor stuff. Like this instance.

I know it’s not a ban, but as I said in my first response, note means said action was a bannable offense but you decided not to act up on it (you don’t usually note stuff that doesn’t break rules, I think). It also means if they did it again by accident, they would be banned because there is a note in place.

Edit: I would be perfectly fine if they said drip multiple times, or based or any other word, since it indicates it wasn’t a mistake, but this seems like it was, unless it was said multiple times.

Both of these display a clear fundamental misunderstanding of what a note is or what its purpose is. A note is not an implication of a future ban. Especially if it was an accident.

I seem to recall an extremely recent case with you Mat, you might also recall that said case did not lead to action despite prior notes. Largely due to it being an obvious accident.

Regardless of your feelings on the matter, the note stands. It accurately represents what happened and documents the engagement accordingly.