TheYappingMawOfChaos (Misery) Player Report

CKEY: PerishedFraud

Your Discord: PerishedFraud

Offender’s CKEY: ?

Offender’s In-Game Name: Misery

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 02.25.2025

Round Number: 51763

Rules Broken: 9/10

Incident Description: Crewsimov AI helps out on lavaland for a while, we fight a drake, it delimbs me using a plasma cutter during the fight, making it impossible, drags my corpse around while it suicides its shell into the drake afterwards. On station, proceeds to ask for a new shell to “rescue me”, then spends the rest of the round painstakingly repairing things on the station (well past the point of necessity, I think I waited 30+ minutes), conveniently forgetting all about the so-called emergency it cited earlier several times.

I call grief.

Additional Information: Edit: The AI was not malf.

Same player as another open report

I am hesitant to agree with grief, but when combined with an already questionable history I’m equally hesitant to call this another coincidence given the circumstances under which you were shot dead and then left dead.

Report processed