CKEY: PerishedFraud
Your Discord: PerishedFraud
Offender’s CKEY: ?
Offender’s In-Game Name: Misery
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 02.25.2025
Round Number: 51763
Rules Broken: 9/10
Incident Description: Crewsimov AI helps out on lavaland for a while, we fight a drake, it delimbs me using a plasma cutter during the fight, making it impossible, drags my corpse around while it suicides its shell into the drake afterwards. On station, proceeds to ask for a new shell to “rescue me”, then spends the rest of the round painstakingly repairing things on the station (well past the point of necessity, I think I waited 30+ minutes), conveniently forgetting all about the so-called emergency it cited earlier several times.
I call grief.
Additional Information: Edit: The AI was not malf.