Theta XV Player Feedback

Apparently people do these so I might as well.
99.8% of my sightings are within Research, I doubt many people know me though.
Also probably the only Ethereal static that isn’t Horologium.
Tell me what you think about my character BUT please don’t mention Durands here :eye: (you know who you are)




i am sorry for interrupting your date with horologium a while back with the facehuggers

It’s nice to have a consistant competent Head of Command for antagonists conflict with.

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Theta is real funky, and nice to see in the RD slot be I a roving assistant or a xenobiologist. Leave me to my own devices less.

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I’ve found Theta XV to be one of the more consistent and complex characters on the station. They don’t seem to lock themselves in and do 500 jobs at once. I feel they delegate their jobs, teach, learn and most importantly they (as a head of staff) are very prevalent in a lot of RP stories.

A very fun character to play with whenever I, as Ashley Jinh, have had the chance to do so.

Good job xoxoxo

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I SWEAR it wasn’t a date :worried: I can explain…

you’re right

it was multiple (example: throwback to that lich wizard in rad brig…)

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:pouting_cat: shut up
it never happened