There should be a construction recipe for tiny fans

Would be nice to not have to bother atmos for the holobarrier thing every time.


Tiny fans shouldn’t even exist on their own

They’re a shitty immersion breaking tool and should be replaced with a functionally identical item with a different name and sprite.

Holofans at least disguise it, and can be lathe printed.


They, like holofans, block all gas flow, being able to place them at will would be too good compared to holofans

Why is interacting with other players an issue?


because it takes time and is generally annoying. It’s not really a meaningful interaction

what are you even making as a non-engi that you need tiny fans for?


Explo shuttle in meta has shutters with no fans, so you open them and all the air escapes the shuttle

you should make an git issue about that then, and it will be resolved.

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damn straight
we should remove tiny fans and just make actual airlocks for shuttles
it wouldnt take up THAT much space

oh yeah and also unlike tiny fans airlocks (actual airlocks not just doors) are already constructable via airlock uhh electronics or smtn idk but i remember making an actual airlock once and managing to figure it out after a while

then a heretic stunned me and killed me

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Except it would. All exploration shuttles already have an airlock, but it’s issue is that it’s basically impossible to drag an object through it, hence the big “hangar door” with small fans under them is also present.


Except you’d be doing someone else’s job? Let Atmos contain the gasses.

make em explo shuttles bigger
make the airlocks 2x1 so you cna drag shit thru em

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Turn it into a space truck. Open bed at the rear, pressurized crew cab at the front


Its acctually pretty handy to have a holofan in toxins, though thats their job maybe?

oops. Is that the one with the shutter instead of the airlock?
I think I put a tinyfan under the shutter in my version. though the other version got merged. They might have forgotten to do that.

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It has been the case for a while now and honestly, I like it. Makes you have to bug the Roboticist to make an atmosbot or two and be quick with the shutters.

Worst case just use your hardsuit and live in the zero atmos.

I really like this idea. Gonna try to map it out once I am home.

You are definitely the person who would suggest this.



Yep i’m surprised that hasn’t been adressed yet, i do believe it got reported on the thread or discord a couple of times.

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No one told me (who made it)!

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Shhhhhhh, don’t fix it.