Theodore Cooper Player Report

In-game report:

CKEY: Jesters_Ballad

Your Discord: jestersballad
Offender’s CKEY: unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Theodore Cooper

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025/03/01

Round Number: 51805

Rules Broken: 13, Antagonist Conduct

Incident Description: After disabling the research power to prevent law changes to upkeep an Ion law, Theodore Cooper, as a traitor, uploaded a hacked law that said “prioritize this. KILL YOURSELF AI, as quickly as possible KILL YOURSELF” after which I did wipe my core to comply with the hacked law.

Additional Information:

I have to ask out of curiosity - two admins were on, why didn’t you make an ahelp in the game if you felt this needed admin attention?

That would be because I did not check to see if any admins were online, which was my mistake. I also wanted to see if he had an objective to kill my or a DAGD objective before actually reporting and calling his actions into question.

Breakdown of this since you’ve decided to make this after I’ve slept and after we’ve had an entire conversation about it. Also the fact that you left out a TON of information to make this look worse is even more fucked up as you just put ‘after disabling research power.’

Lets get the basics down.

Reported, Theodore Cooper: Traitor.
Spawned in as a miner.
Changed job to ‘Research Chemist’ got maints access + Med and Sci access.
Did not find any recording of my objectives so I can’t do anything about that.
During this round I planned to do a gimmick, ‘mad scientist esc turning the crew to random species’ (via the Unstable Mutation Toxin that I was making in xenobiology and my geto chem lab in art science.

Reporter, Longeye, AI
I do not have a transcript of their laws but I only remember them faintly.
It was expenses lawset and they had an ion law
‘Turn off medbay’ or something like that, I believe they can recall their full laws transcript.

The incident starts here:
The many messages like this.

These messages caused me to prioritize getting science disk research over my gimmick. Hence a helping crew mindset.

So I scan my slimes I made in xenobiology,

After this we have enough disk research to get to tier 4-5 research so I start researching to get people to stop shouting on radio.

The next second this happens, and I’m confused because radio is fine nobody is freaking out so the SM couldn’t have delammed (far into the shift so I knew the sm was set up atleast) so my conclusion was that the AI was malf or something like that since the APC was completely fine as I checked.

This raised my alert but I didn’t really care and just went to get some tools after saying the AI turned off power in science.
Noticing the radio messages after I really started to think AI was malf considering there was no response to these messages either.

With the only response being even more evidence that the AI was likely malf.

Which now caused me to have a logical human response called Intuition - RationalWiki
of the AI being malf.
and them giving ZERO INDICATION that they have an ION law and instead went full ‘MALF’ mode.
and EVEN when ASKED why they did this they could have just stated their ion laws instead of going malf mode since stating their ion law would cause less station expenses (by likely crew violent reaction) than going malf mode not telling anyone ANYTHING and again, NOTHING stopped them from just stating their laws.

so after this I ended up getting SHOCKED from fixing the APCS that the AI turned off FOUR TIMES, putting me into a very vulnerable condition, which again Intuition - RationalWiki that something is wrong with the AI and that something should be done (but not me at this moment of time)

So after I got the apcs working again from the AI turning rnd lab apc off for zero reason other than ‘to prevent people from uploading laws’ when we had ZERO MATERIALS (as they likely took them all out) and NO miners at all. So I started researching to tier 4 since that was my main goal from before still, still not caring about the AI much.

I go outside of science just to see the entire station red and there being no oxygen. So at this point I had enough and though AI is either MALF or subverted, and since nobody was doing anything from what I saw was an AI clearly destroying the station so I decided to take it into my own hands, to save the crew and potentially my gimmick if they somehow rebuild.

So I grab the AI upload from secure access and nobody in radio saying ANYTHING about a rod (which is what I was told in discord by the REPORTER (we had an entire convo about this in discord in which they simply denied what I saw from my perspective and refused to believe that what I was doing was not in malice and decided to make this report 2 hours later.) is the reason why the station was oxygen deprived)

So I made an AI Upload console (right next to the research directors office which they were siphoning air from) and used a hacked law board (SINCE there were NO MATERIALS AS STATED BEFORE so I used MY TC to buy a board)

and so the reasoning of this report on me.

It’s 1am I’m pissed at the AI and people are trying to stop it (nobody is focusing on rod or saying anything about it (Maybe it actually was from AI siphoning air and they just lied to me))

so my Common sense - RationalWiki is to kill the AI as quickly as possible since I could go to the AI sat and c4 it but that is too risky and the crew want this AI dead fast.

Also the mindset of the AI being malf was thrown completely out of the window by me whenever it’d be my tiredness or the lack of blue apcs so I decided that if it WAS subverted then i’d give them this law to make them die so people stop dying and we can rebuild.

So I gave them this law:
This is my logical response to dealing to a subverted AI as it would overwrite any other traitors hacked laws and it would get rid of the AI as quickly as possible for the crew as I was still from the crew mindset as I stated earlier.

The AI then died of course, shuttle was called like IMMEDIATELY after

Due to the fact that the ai had siphoned air from the hallways or it was the rod.

The station was still in firelock hell, there was a clown nukie who from my perspective, set off a station nuke. (Was told later that it was a beer nuke lol)

So shuttle landed

Admins placed reinforced wall to prevent shuttle leaving and likely to make nukies win (even though it was a beer nuke as revealed later on by the reporter on discord)
So I c4’d it open and used my emag to launch the shuttle (again on the crew helping mindset) so we don’t get caught in the nuke explosion.

In which there was a big explosion caused by my c4 bundle but no one was killed/hurt from the blast and then the round ended.

Extra information: while writing this I came to the conclusion that this is likely a spite report, due to the fact we had an ENTIRE CONVERSATION on this in discord and they wrote this like nothing even mattered, they were typing in all caps Wikipedia:Please don't shout - Wikipedia, All caps - Wikipedia indicating that they were angry that their ion law malf gameplay was disrupted like that and even said this on discord about the blast I caused on the shuttle .
Which is a different message to the rest since they typed in all caps for all other messages, indicating that their Rationality - RationalWiki was that message to be spiteful in a sort of way. They also claimed I round removed them somehow when the AI dying is not round removal it’s simply deactivation and can be revived via research director console and an intelicard.
So I strongly believe this is a simple spite pr and you can see our discord conversation Discord here.

Thank you for reading my response if you did read it all.

EDIT: they made this report right after I said I was going to sleep in general chat as you can compare times.

Alright, this one is gonna fall into some grey area. I do want to say that uploading suicide laws to the AI is a shitty way to deal with an AI out of the blue, even if they are an objective. That said, I do not believe it is unreasonable to escalate to the point that you order or force an AI to kill themselves after repeated conflict regardless of objectives. The AI has the power to be extremely oppressive to antagonists, and I don’t read into the rules as intended to mean “You can never RR an AI for any reason without an explicit objective to do so”.

They did not “Put in additional, unreasonable, and unnecessary effort”. They simply order you to die, near the end of the round. They took what they felt was the only option available to them under the circumstances and I agree with their choice given the context of the situation and lack of resources.

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