The Real Captain Player Report

my ckey: cobradormascarado

Your Discord: cafedamanha44777

Offender’s In-Game Name: The Real Captain and friends

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025/2/19

Round Number: 51706

Rules Broken: 1 3 8 9

Incident Description: As a non atgonist clown this player seemingly surbverted the AI (I’m not sure of this, please check) and trespassed into the bridge and further down the line into the HOP office, where he stayed and made it into “a nest” by building shit and breaking shit all around the office while aparrently giving people extra acess (the part about acess also needs to be checked). There’s more but I don’t think i’d be able to explain it better than what you’d get by log diving.

Rule 1: You must roleplay. You’re a professional working for a major corporation. Act like you want to keep your job.

Rule 3: The Stage Magician should “entertain” the crew with their abilities similar to a Clown or Mime.

Rule 8: Defined as the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay/IC reason. The emphasis is on “intent”. If a member of staff believes that the player’s intent is to grief then action will be taken.

Rule 9: Access to a department does not imply authorization. Just because you managed to gain access to a room or department does not mean you have permission to be inside of it nor steal its equipment. Low-level trespassing or theft is an IC crime, excessive theft or stealing important equipment is self-antagging.

This means, for example, if you commit crimes that may result in you receiving capital punishment as non-antagonist, you are breaking this rule.

Do not cause excessive chaos as a non-antagonist

Uploading laws to silicons that make them significantly more dangerous to regular crew or jeopardize a silicon’s well-being is self-antag.

Clowns, Mimes, and Stage Magicians are expected to “entertain” the crew and have some allowance to skirt the above rules in order to suit gimmicks.

other people such as another lizardperson that I’m not able to recall the name right now were also invading the bridge.

I ask the admin team to look into the issue and process it accordngly whenever possible, thank you.

Helo helo, let me start off by putting some context around here:

1.- I did not subvert the AI, they got ion lawed randomly, I guess it was from a storm or something.
2.- I did not give access to people the console was logged off, I saw you say this IC and I don’t know where it comes from.
3.- It was green alert when all of this started
4.- A hop was not there present nor did anyone tried using the hopline in the entire shift for anything hopline related

What happened that shift is I was in being-a-silly-nuissance mood, It was a pranking people and stealing shoes and trying to be in places I shouldnt kinda shift, I was just entering when people entered and being a little silly, but I did not really resist when they dragged me outside, it was all pretty much IC fun with no real harm, as nothing was happening on the station and if I fucked around and found out and got detained it would’ve been fine at that point.

Now that I reflect on one of the times I entered I did something I maybe should have not and it was soliciting the codes for the spare ID. I really did not plan to try to get AA and jump over the HoS I just saw a random button I could press in the unlogged console and I was like yeaaah buttoooon, but I did admit it was me in I comms but I did not have intentions to do a Capital Crime for funsies with the spare ID, so I will admit that was too much by my side, but I only say this cuz the admin in question will probably see that when checking te logs and this was all before the person who made this report arrived to the station and it got solved IC

But anyways, after that, you arrive to the station and inmediatly get super agitated I followed you disguised as a plant this distance

and inmediatly started telling the HoS that the clown tresspased into the bridge and if that area counted as the bridge and blablablabla. So in the middle of all of that a lizard arrives in the hopline and starts sleeping in Ian’s bed,which I found super funny,

so I was like “yeah let me get in there” so I asked the AI to get in and went to the hop bed and tried to stay there until we eventually get kicked out. You guys saw us a couple of times and did not really do anything like trying to arrest us or kicking us out, (your people’s focus for some reason was in jumping the AI and destroying her shell for having a silly protect medbay :sob: ), so we just stayed there. The lizard was like “we need fire here”, so I asked to get some logs and monkey cubes, we decorated the place and made it look more “cozy” but did not really endanger anyone or destroy equipment or hand out AA or whatever, we stayed there and I kept trying to see how long we could get away with it, until now this all seems a pretty normal clown.

Idk I think me and a lot of people would find this pretty amusing I do not think we did anything super bad and if you focus on anything but the bonfires is not really that bad, a couple of deconstructed tables, the monkey thing there is HILAROUS and the mouse trap and barricade is a nice touch.

Oh, and at some point the HoS told us to leave in red alert and we left, it took me a little longer than the lizard cuz he used the disposals unit was in cooldown.

Idk, this is pretty much IC for me, we did not hinder any command/security operation, we did not put up a fight or self antag we just stayed in an unusued room and made it look bad, which could’ve been solved in like, 3-4 minutes by a competent janitor.

And about the rules:
Rule 1: Clowns get a little more extra freedom to do silly stuff that anyone else maybe would get in trouble for.
Rule 3: I’m sure people were entertainde from the outside by the views of 2 dudes living in the hopline like that
Rule 8: Bro putting 2 bonfires and a couple of random stuff is not griefing :sob:
Rule 9: You said it yourself, “Clowns, Mimes, and Stage Magicians are expected to “entertain” the crew and have some allowance to skirt the above rules in order to suit gimmicks.” My gimmick that round was staying in the hopline as much as possible.

Clowns are permited to be in areas they should not be if they are making a prank like I was, I really think this is an IC issue and it was within the limits of what a prank is. A lot of people would find this situation funny and I did not cause you any remotely major problems nor did I get on the way. Next time call security and arrest us 2, but this is all an IC issue and ou are making it seem like way worse than it was by saying this is grief and self antag and throwing a fit about a clown tresspasing into a place when it’s something they are allowed to do this kind of stuff as long as it does not get too bad :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: , and this is also true for your character IC since they acted the exact same way when I dared taking 4 steps into the bridge, I think you should chill a little and remember what a clown is and what a game is, specially if they are not being an asshole or getting in the way of important stuff :sweat_smile:

And usually is frowned upon to use this “clowns get a pass dude” as a being a shitter pass card with no consequences, but this was all something that developped organically in the round and I do really think this was funny enough for the outsiders and silly enough to be considered a prank. As I said, we just stayed in a room we should have not and made it look bad, this is basically an IC situation that developped itself. Next time get a flashbang and throw it in there or something and get security to escort us out.


Where did you get that from? I dont think thats true at all as that’s still tresspassing, but its entirely an IC issue imo and according to Fresh:


I was in this round and yes, the clown seemingly did not distribute AA nor did they subvert the AI, it was on a silly ion law, even though us secoffs wrongly thought otherwise (which is why we rushed to action). As for the clown, all he really did was mild pranking, which was cool


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Clowns have implied right to ignore this as long as they’re trying to be funny/entertaining about it. Were there any attempts made to treat the clown as a criminal IC, or otherwise try to arrest/detain them made? If Varo’s side of this is true, and you were the captain this sounds like an IC issue overall, but it will depend on the logs ultimately.

I’ll give it a look later if someone else doesn’t first.

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While we were on green alert we were unable to arrest them because we thought the AI was protecting the clown (don’t know why) and when it was unsubverted we went to code red and security was not willing to arrest them for most of the situation.

The clown ended up going down the trash and died because security was blown up so there was no point in wich he was outside of the barricaded hop room until the end of the round

While I do believe that you did not commit any major rule break I do believe that you were acting in a harmful mindset, wich would count as griefing.

I have found other reports made against you for similar behavior, from what I can gather when you play as clown you’re either commiting crimes or being as annoying as possible every time without fail

Honestly I’m unable to see how breaking into the bridge is funny, this seems out of the scope of your job because you didn’t enter to throw a pie at my face or something, you entered simply for the sake of being somewhere you were not supposed to be.

We were unable to remove you out of the HOP line because you barricaded the place and security was overwhelmed the entire time because of the many antags around the station.

I just feel like you can do better than this, man.


Bringing old reports up is frowned upon here, both from players and the admin team. You can’t just take reports separated in time and say “oh yeah this happens EVERY TIME”. I’m confident tons of people would argue against what you said, I’m not known nowadays for being a shitter, but I do not even need that because I know who i am and how do I play and you are wrong

If you can’t find a plant following you into the bridge that squeaks each step and then tries to pretend its a normal plant when you turn around by emoting stuff like *activates plant mode and *does the photosynthesis when its so obvious its me sounds like a personal problem, the joke was there

Untrue, you did not even attempt, no one entered the room in a long time and you could’ve just moved this locker out of the way

or enter through the 2 windoors, stop the cap bro


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You see criticism as something that you just need to avoid.

What a responsible adult would do is consider the critisim, politely explain any sort of misunderstanding that might have caused that sort of criticism if there’s any and try to grow from it, and not keep toeing the line while completely disconsidering the possibility of personal growth.

I don’t know man, I’m not trying to put put as a terrible griefer I’m just expressing my discontent with your behavior.

I think it’s better if we just wait for the admin to look into it

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What are your criticisms? So far, you’ve just dug up my past and say that you did not find stuff amusing, while other people have said that they did find that same stuff just fine. So this is just a case of me knowing my audience better now that I know you do not vibe with certain type of jokes and you maybe tolerating clowns more instead of inmediatly complaining the second they do something they are supposed to do :man_shrugging:

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At this point an admin might need to lock this report till they can get around to checking it. Reports are not for fighting between yourselves. as it appears you two are no longer talking about the report For example.


Sorry if that didn’t sound related to the report. I was trying to talk about player conduct, because bad conduct and intent are related to grief.

But yeah I guess it’s better to just wait for an admin to figure it out.

It’s ok. Sorry if what I said sounded mean or incorrect in your opinions.

Let’s just wait for an admin

I think enough has been said at this point

Will get to this later today


Alright, regarding each of the initial complaints in order:

I already said similar above, but I’ll say it again - clowns have a soft excuse not to worry about this because their job function is to entertain crew, which is expected to involve pranks.

You quoted the wrong thing, but I’m going to treat this as if you didn’t and you meant to quote what the clown’s job was. The clown’s job is to entertain the crew, with some leeway for bordering on self-antagonism while they do so.

They should generally not seek to be an annoyance as their primary function, but this is where you get to slap them with the very law @Varo quoted. If the authorities aren’t laughing, the joke isn’t an excuse for breaking the law and they get arrested or treated like a criminal. If the clown isn’t funny it’s time for the authorities to make the jokes at the clown’s expense. Apply behavioral therapy via baton.

I’ve skimmed the clown’s various interactions this round and I can say that there was no apparent malicious intent.

I don’t see any high level trespassing that I would consider to be a violation of the rules

The clown flavored laws were uploaded by @Ambiic who was an antagonist. They were also mild enough that I’d probably be fine with it even if the clown had uploaded them tbh:

Bully clowns gently
Outclown the clown
Hug clowns occasionally to show you really do care
HoP office is the clown’s new home with permission from CC

I don’t believe the clown caused excessive chaos from what I can see. They stole your shoes and trespassed a couple of times.

I think at least in this case the clown was entertaining to crew as a whole, even if it came somewhat at your expense. Don’t be afraid to exercise your power as captain if necessary, especially if the clown is entertaining others at your expense.

All of that addressed:

This is worded a bit dismissively but the core of accepting that you were upset is in there.
Thanks for the report, if you feel the situation escalates or continues in future rounds feel free to open another!