Helo helo, let me start off by putting some context around here:
1.- I did not subvert the AI, they got ion lawed randomly, I guess it was from a storm or something.
2.- I did not give access to people the console was logged off, I saw you say this IC and I don’t know where it comes from.
3.- It was green alert when all of this started
4.- A hop was not there present nor did anyone tried using the hopline in the entire shift for anything hopline related
What happened that shift is I was in being-a-silly-nuissance mood, It was a pranking people and stealing shoes and trying to be in places I shouldnt kinda shift, I was just entering when people entered and being a little silly, but I did not really resist when they dragged me outside, it was all pretty much IC fun with no real harm, as nothing was happening on the station and if I fucked around and found out and got detained it would’ve been fine at that point.
Now that I reflect on one of the times I entered I did something I maybe should have not and it was soliciting the codes for the spare ID. I really did not plan to try to get AA and jump over the HoS I just saw a random button I could press in the unlogged console and I was like yeaaah buttoooon, but I did admit it was me in I comms but I did not have intentions to do a Capital Crime for funsies with the spare ID, so I will admit that was too much by my side, but I only say this cuz the admin in question will probably see that when checking te logs and this was all before the person who made this report arrived to the station and it got solved IC
But anyways, after that, you arrive to the station and inmediatly get super agitated I followed you disguised as a plant this distance
and inmediatly started telling the HoS that the clown tresspased into the bridge and if that area counted as the bridge and blablablabla. So in the middle of all of that a lizard arrives in the hopline and starts sleeping in Ian’s bed,which I found super funny,
so I was like “yeah let me get in there” so I asked the AI to get in and went to the hop bed and tried to stay there until we eventually get kicked out. You guys saw us a couple of times and did not really do anything like trying to arrest us or kicking us out, (your people’s focus for some reason was in jumping the AI and destroying her shell for having a silly protect medbay
), so we just stayed there. The lizard was like “we need fire here”, so I asked to get some logs and monkey cubes, we decorated the place and made it look more “cozy” but did not really endanger anyone or destroy equipment or hand out AA or whatever, we stayed there and I kept trying to see how long we could get away with it, until now this all seems a pretty normal clown.
Idk I think me and a lot of people would find this pretty amusing I do not think we did anything super bad and if you focus on anything but the bonfires is not really that bad, a couple of deconstructed tables, the monkey thing there is HILAROUS and the mouse trap and barricade is a nice touch.
Oh, and at some point the HoS told us to leave in red alert and we left, it took me a little longer than the lizard cuz he used the disposals unit was in cooldown.
Idk, this is pretty much IC for me, we did not hinder any command/security operation, we did not put up a fight or self antag we just stayed in an unusued room and made it look bad, which could’ve been solved in like, 3-4 minutes by a competent janitor.
And about the rules:
Rule 1: Clowns get a little more extra freedom to do silly stuff that anyone else maybe would get in trouble for.
Rule 3: I’m sure people were entertainde from the outside by the views of 2 dudes living in the hopline like that
Rule 8: Bro putting 2 bonfires and a couple of random stuff is not griefing 
Rule 9: You said it yourself, “Clowns, Mimes, and Stage Magicians are expected to “entertain” the crew and have some allowance to skirt the above rules in order to suit gimmicks.” My gimmick that round was staying in the hopline as much as possible.
Clowns are permited to be in areas they should not be if they are making a prank like I was, I really think this is an IC issue and it was within the limits of what a prank is. A lot of people would find this situation funny and I did not cause you any remotely major problems nor did I get on the way. Next time call security and arrest us 2, but this is all an IC issue and ou are making it seem like way worse than it was by saying this is grief and self antag and throwing a fit about a clown tresspasing into a place when it’s something they are allowed to do this kind of stuff as long as it does not get too bad
, and this is also true for your character IC since they acted the exact same way when I dared taking 4 steps into the bridge, I think you should chill a little and remember what a clown is and what a game is, specially if they are not being an asshole or getting in the way of important stuff 
And usually is frowned upon to use this “clowns get a pass dude” as a being a shitter pass card with no consequences, but this was all something that developped organically in the round and I do really think this was funny enough for the outsiders and silly enough to be considered a prank. As I said, we just stayed in a room we should have not and made it look bad, this is basically an IC situation that developped itself. Next time get a flashbang and throw it in there or something and get security to escort us out.