Admin’s CKEY: Raxraus (non trialmin who I hadn’t really ever seen till then)
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: It’s a note, so both?
Which server did the ban happen on? MRP
Ban Type: Note
Ban Length: 3 Exclamation Points
Ban Date: 06-29-2020
Round ID: Didn’t save it but the exact time stated is 2020-06-29 02:47:15
Ban Reason: Killed the bartender because he “saw” him with an armblade and desword when in reality he didn’t have an armblade or a desword.
Appeal Reason: I literally saw the guy grow an armblade. Pretty sure that makes you valid on any of the servers, including MRP. Told the admin I thought it might be a halucination because the SM just explided and I also saw him somehow pull out a double-bladed lightsaber while cuffed on the ground. Admin took this to mean I killed him because of the lightsaber, which is false. Pretty sure that IC (and OOC) if you see somebody grow a fucking armblade it’s reasonable to think they’re a ling.
Additional Information: It was literally just us sitting at the bar (we were bartys) so it wasn’t a false-armblade sting. Also, he took out his shotgun and tried to kill me even after I stopped attacking as opposed to what someone innocent would do (which is not attack to prove they’re not a hostile ling). I literally saw him grow an armblade, and since lings are extremely robust, I attacked as hard as I could, because again, if it was an actual ling it can literally just shrug death off.
IC my character absoulutely loathes organics, so even if he was a nice ling just kind of growing his armblade to say “hey im a ling but I won’t kill you” My character wouldn’t care.
I would say that the main mitigating circumstance would be that you did not kill the other guy, you only attacked them and then stopped when you realized something wasn’t right.
Hallucinations should be logged somehow. It’s dumb that newer players (or even experienced) can get banned/noted for something that should be an IC issue.
Your story didn’t add up. You said he had a desword and a changeling arm in your tickets but at the same time he held a shotgun and shot at you. He didn’t try to kill you and only stunned you but you went ahead and beat the living shit out of him.
(SM has exploded a minute or so prior, also this is DeltaStation for reference)
We’re just chilling at the bar.
He grows a fucking armblade.
A few seconds pass. He looks at me, then looks back across the bar counter.
I say something like, “well, guess it’s ling killing time” and initiate the beatdown with my guitar.
He starts panicking, saying wtf (etc), and during the initial scuffle, (I think but don’t remember for sure if I waited to attack till the armblade retracted) his armblade retracts.
He heads into the bar backroom to pull out his shotgun and starts to defend himself.
I stop attacking at this point to give him a chance to prove himself as innocent by not attacking (aka, if he actually wanted me dead he would keep shooting me). He shoots me several times anyway.
Go back in and start beating the shit out of him again.
Eventually sec arrives as we make our way out of the bar backroom and south of the bar.
I make sure the guy is in crit and let the sec officers take him away both so they wouldn’t label me as a killer and so he doesn’t fully die if he wasn’t antag.
While on the floor handcuffed he pops open a double esword. Thus, I figure I might be halucinating. IC I still think he’s a ling though, and ooc I’m still a bit unsure. I say nothing about the Desword because that would sound crazy since you can’t hold items and be cuffed at the same time.
The sec takes him off, and I go off to grab a welder and some wires to heal from the fight.
I was actually so damaged by the fight, that because I forgot to switch off of harm intent, when I hit myself in the face with the welder it ended up critting me and I eventually died and was never revived the whole round.
This wasn’t just “oh he attacked someone who barely defended themselves and then killed them”
I was one hit away from being in crit, and then ended up dying from my wounds too.
I’ve consulted an admin and according to him you aren’t the one to lie and logs do show the struggle going South. Sadly the logs doesn’t show whether or not you’re hallucinating so I had to piece together what I had at the time. I’ll remove your note once I get back on.