The Food Rework Thread

Title says what this means. Branching off from the current discussion on

idk while new way of cooking sounds fun, those bots did not look like a lot of fun
i’d rather serve people than bots…

The bots are not included in this discussion. This is the FOOD Rework thread. Not the SERVICE rework thread.

It’s still relevant because it’s the job content for cooks

Bots don’t replace players, they give you an extra thing to do. I think it’s actually really good that bots force you to make a variety of stuff (some of which you’ll give to crew) instead of just spamming only burgers.

Mitigates the path of least resistance shit players tend to do

Also i was under the assumption that they were only for the Bartender to actually do their job. Not the chef.

They were ordering food, not drinks, soo…

If I wanted to do that sort of thing, I’d go to roblox.
Don’t get me wrong, it looks like fun, but it doesn’t seem like the right thing for ss13

I just found it engaging as a time killer in addition to making cooking a bit more involved.

In fact the main thing about it that doesn’t fit in SS13 is that it doesn’t reward you with gamer gear for playing a minigame. Not even an isolated minigame at that - you can’t really do it without botany.

just give chef a destination tagger roundstart and give people an actual reason to use the delivery system

I just can’t exactly put my finger on this, is there some sort of reward for serving them?
Credits, maybe?

Chef has destination tagger and wrapping paper, you can also print em at autolathe very cheaply.

Yep, its credits.
They’re also random in what template they are (American, French, Moth, etc.) which changes their dialogue, and what they order too. Bartender can do it as well.

They’re completely optional for chefs and bartenders to engage in as well, to get them to show up you have to click on a sign and designate seats. Otherwise nothing happens.

that sounds like fun, worth a shot to say the least

I refuse to touch TG and its cringiness tho, guess I’m gonna miss out on this

Don’t worry, a port of datumized AI is a prerequisite and I’m sure it’ll only be like 2 or 3 months for it to be reviewed and merged once done. And then another month for this to be merged once done. Plus a month for me to A. finish school and B. get off my ass and do it.

So just wait 6 months or so


Those can be made under the “electronics” in any techfabs (why electronics tough ?).

fair fair but if its there roundstart people are incentivized to use it. kinda like the medkits in robotics.

also, my point about giving it more use still stands. the amount of time it takes to pda the chef for food and have him ship it is longer than the time it takes to just walk over there, even for experienced chefs. maybe put a lil’ piece of paper with a guide for how do deliveries on there?

ofc it all depends on the chef itself. maybe a robust chef will be able to set up a pizza delivery service or something.

The biggest thing keeping chefs from being relevent are vending machines and donk pockets.

Although even if you steal every vending machine and donk pocket box from every hallway and department(Ive tried this a couple times as clown) it still doesnt really push more traffic to the kitchen.

I’d consider having kitchen food actually give stat bonuses for eating it, get the gamer loot crowd in and youd have customers galore.


This. I would prefer the idea of bringing the departments in question up instead of nerfing the more fun departments down to compensate.

Give Kitchen buff food, give Bar temporary buff drinks that can not be stored (to avoid people hamstering it and drinking it somewhere a la powergaming on demand)

And with buff food and drinks I don’t only mean mood. Things like 5 minute x ray drinks, drinks that give abilities, food that gives you more Max hp and so on and so on. Go wild and then see what works and what does not.

We are too careful with implementing new fun things because it might break the balance, instead of implementing the wild things and then changing them to fit better after some trial and error.


I want to be able to make a machete out of sugar and then beat the shit outta a clown with it

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already exists. see: doctors delight, brave bull, all of the various snowflake heal drinks (ie hooch for assistant), etc

tho i do wish there were more


Maybe the food or drink has to be fresh, ie eaten or drank within five minutes of being made for it to give buff?

You can make a living cat out of sugar. Wish there was more stuff like that.