The extent of RP and command roles (also a discussion on NYA)

Just remove felinids


The fact that you got banned faster for saying “nya” than the people who have been reported for legitimate rulebreaks just says a lot tbh.


It’s almost like having an admin on at the time something happens leads to it being handled faster.


i just wanna say i always find this change funny. It seems it was made solely in order to be pedantic and dismiss people saying “come on this is mrp not hrp” by replying “akshually it’s JUST rp”


ffs just add nya to the filter already, problem solved

It’s cringe af and not funny at all

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it was changed because people had different ideas of what a MRP server meant, having it just be RP leads to less confusion (or at least it should in theory)

i sort of agree, not even because i have something against felinid players, i just think having it be a grey area of “you can say it, just not… you know, not too often(?)” leads to unconsistent rulings, i wouldnt lose any sleep if it was fully allowed either though


Honestly? To the people that it upsets so much: Cope.

Imagine being upset by “Nya”, lmao.


Yeah the issue is so many people do that that it loses meaning.

If one person occasionally plays a staunch anti-authority character in a server full of great RP, it’s fine and even refreshing.

If one person plays that character every round, it can get pretty annoying and the charm can become stale.

If one person plays that character every round, and the overall state of the server is trending towards LRP it doesn’t really contribute to the RP at all, because you’re one of twenty or more anti-authority characters like that, and will easily be lost in the crowd.

This goes for anything, including LRP catbeasts going NYA all the time and people just generally acting insane.

Honestly hearing a felinid saying “Nya” is like hearing a lizard saying “Bussy”, it’s inevitable and in my opinion hardly counts as LRP behaviour and not really worth giving three day bans over

especially when there are reports and bans that need the attendation more than this


This is clearly not a strawman argument.

Trollface is a meme.
Nya is a Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound that a cat makes.

Does working Nya into conversations (and not just spamming it at someone) really upset people?
I heard someone was warned for saying Nyo in response to a question…

Now on the to do list:
-Stop cats meowing
-Stop Silicon from beeping
-Remove lizard scream

Problem solved


You forgot moth scream.
Actually we should just remove all speices expect for apid. All these non-humans just ruin RP on my RP server smh.



i think felinids should be removed TBH


This is an English speaking server. Anyone who says Nya is breaking the English speaking rule.

  1. English is the primary language of the server. You are expected to keep your communications within the server and the discord in English, so that other players may understand you.
  • Felinid: Normal human names, though typically with Asian origins.

Please ban every felinid then. they have Japanese sounding names.

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There’s a difference between Japanese sounding and being a Japanese onomatopoeia.

Also most felinids don’t follow that naming convention.

Your bait’s getting too good.

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I am a master baiter after all.


That makes it easy then. All felinids should use Meow instead of Nya and we can add Meow.ogg
Then people can stop being afraid of a foreign word


I would unironically support this

Can we just port all of the funny sounds already? :pensive:

I want the funny moth chitter and laugh.

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