The Ethereal Experience

I’m sure If your a long time player you exactly common emps are to a regular station, easily found in maint , created and used by mostly everyone

So then come into question the races , IPC’s get hard crit and usually end up dead as they are robots
Ethereal the electric people get their Organic Battery Toasted , it may appear better then a hardcrit and a small language problem but is just a mark of death as the Battery requires around 10-30minutes to recover from naturally while constantly receiving toxin damage until you drop whilst also also being x2 vulnerable to brute dmg which usually results in death (note easy fix with surgery but good luck finding a donor)

This leads to unfun moments such as being a explorer and spending half the round sitting in a cyborg recharger due to a random hierophant EMP
Entire antag gimmicks being ruined because a officer hit you or next to you with a ion gun and being detained due to the instant mood tank or dmg vulnerability

I may just be coping at the fact that it’s just really boring to sit in medbay for a hour powerless to do anything .but around 2yrs ago Ethereals weren’t vulnerable to EMP’s to such a extent and just lost their shine so I ask why , or rather who though this was a good idea


Seems like it came from here. Stomach was changed.

Being a child of /battery/ they became succeptable to EMP, it knocks 25/50%
of charge out of them and applies 15/30 organ damage, by default they only have 2500 charge too.

My best bet is that its capping max charge (from EMP effect or organ damage) so low that it keeps them within starvation range.
Brute mod scales from 1.25 (normal) to 2.0
Starving applies 0.65 tox per life tick on top of organ failure.

Not sure how charge translates into nutrition tho, only thing I cant really pick out atm.

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Idk if I’m right but Emps or atleast Ions seem to hit multiple times as I remember being reduced to 0 hunger in 1 hit , personalty my main issue is with the organ as even if you restore all your charge you end up puking it all out instantly and its just unnecessarily tedious to fix

hmm… once the battery dies it just cant hold any charge, could probably be surgically repaired… but yeah restoring 30hp probably wont help much.

Have you tried replacing it with an IPC battery? not sure if it would even fit the slot tbh… but its a battery subtype now so…

fun fact! IPC batteries can be implanted as “cybernetic” alternatives for ethereals

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Didn’t know that but most don’t either and getting it every round would still be debilitating or pwrgame

Yeah, this PR really pissed me off in the past. We are supposed to be making the whole organ and bodypart systerm modular, so adding species-specific traits and NOT attaching it to the stomach is nonsensical.

Ive had a stomach rework in the works for a while, might restart work on it now…

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