This guide goes into excessive detail into many facets of security gameplay, and is meant to be a be-all in terms of security guides.
The guide contains the following information within partitioned into sections:-
Meet the Department - Detail on the responsibilities of every member of the team, and their niche in combat and regular operations of the station, Brig Phy Included (Skip this shit, boring, but had to be included for completion sake)
Meet the Guidelines - Detail on the guidelines that every member of security needs to follow to be effective, and not to attract the ire of Central Command during the eternal validhunt. SOP, Lethality clauses, Proper cell timings, and misc behaviour
Equipment Analysis - Details on the gear, commonly used by security and counters for it commonly used by antagonists. Just so nobody disables simple-mobs again
The HoS’s Playbook - Tips and tricks for security, as well as detailed information on how to effectively counter various hostile situations from grey-tide to hostile boarding parties.
*Everything is written mostly from memory and experience, as such may be subject to errors. Do not hesitate to correct
You all know who makes up the redshirts. The strength of the department never depends on a player’s robustness, but rather the capacity of everyone to work as an effective team. No hostile entity is ever taking down a team of three or two well-equpped officers alone.
Security Officer (Hmmm…Yes.)
The common redshirt, ranging from levels of unrobust to terrifyingly robust. They represent the rank-and-file of security. Officers are expected to respond to every threat, with a never-say-never attitude. They make arrests and hand over the prisoners to the Warden, and set timers in his absence. Also, this job has great RP potential that goes beyond bola-batong. Nuff said, about these grunts. -
The Warden (Alt-tabbing simulator)
The right hand of the HoS, and the first in the chain of succession incase the HoS dies or gets incapacitated. Most capable melee combatant in security, with those legsweeps and lung punchs. A formidable force to be reckoned with, especially with his combat shotgun and the armoury behind him. He sets time, and makes sure the prisoners are not mistreated by officers. But his greatest task is the defense of the Brig and the armoury. NEVER LEAVE THE BRIG unless security is having a hard time, Stay in your wagecage and leave the hunting to the HoS and the officers. The Warden is also expected to keep an eye on sensors, maintain records, take care of perma prisoners and hoard donuts. -
The Head of Security (Cattle-herding simulator)
The Big man himself, self-thought robusting extra-ordinaire (not really, It’s just because the shotgun never misses). Hardest security role in my opinion, have to wrangle both hostiles and officers in his own team. Lead your team in the field, show them the ways of the harmbaton. Requires extensive knowledge of space law, SOP and antag tactics to be an efficient HoS. Handles just about everything related to security from complaints to coordinating security. HoS is the only member of security who spawns ready to handle everything from martial arts (Tele-shield) to simple mobs (lethals). HoS ought to start with the insta-gib rifle in my honest, unbiased opinion. You’re the only head other than the CMO who can depose the captain for being unfit for duty. Also, you’re supposed to you know, uphold SOP. -
The Detective (Alcoholism Anonymous)
No idea why he exists, when a security officer with a scanner is sufficient, but still, Sherlock Holmes here starts with the best security fire-arm roundstart, a reloadable .38 pistol. Scan crime scenes, drink alcohol, find leads, annoy and question random crew members, cry when the forensic scanner is researched and you become obsolete, drink some more. The Detective is expected only to scan crime scenes and pursue leads, and not to do regular security work if other officers are present. The gun is solely for self-defence . However, never hesitate to back a officer up, that .38 might prove the difference between life and death. -
The Brig Physican (The Spy from Team Fortress)
Brig’s own resident physician and traitorous back-stabber. Don’t trust this guy, don’t. He’s here to treat officers and prisoners, and to provide them with meds. Exists only to be a non-metashielded honorary security member. -
Validhunting made legal. Nuff said. Deputies are the bestest helpers, or just hostile entities trying to get security status.
The alert level can vary between four levels, ranging from Green, Blue, Red and Delta, from lowest to highest. If issues arise with the chain of command, Inform the crew that security is functionally operating at a higher alert level. Security cannot unilaterally rise the alert level, the heads of staff are to conduct a poll on whether or not to raise it. They can just ask the AI, though. The following are wiki contents churned up for the Sec-brain’s consumption.
Green: All civil liberties are respected. Crew are free to reject random searches, unless said search has probable cause. Officers may not carry lethal weaponry. Crew can keep suit sensors off, depending on their preference. You may not barge into departments for searches and other reasons without permission from the department head. There is no active threat, no reason to suspect hostile presence, unless the station was previously at a higher alert level, just a regular shift. No contraband use allowed.
Blue: Confirmed and serious threat to the station. Blue alert is a serious affair and cannot be done on mere suspicion just to give security more executive powers, there must be hard evidence. Crew may not reject searches, but security must still ask them first. Sensors are now mandatory to be atleast at level two, coordinates are not neccesary. You may demand entry into departments and on denial, force entry if you have the HoS’s or higher permission. Lethal weapons and advanced gear is allowed to be given out at the Warden and HoS’s discretion. Lethal force is authorised on actively resisting suspects accused of major and above crimes, and if an officer gets assaulted and feels his life is threatened No contraband use allowed at all.
Red: MARTIAL LAW The highest natural alert level, under which security has the greatest powers. Restrictions on lethal force are severely relaxed, and may be used at the officer’s discretion on people who are impeding combat, or remediation efforts (You’ll still have to justify it later). Suits sensors must be now set to tracking at all times, and security may arrest those without for Insubordination. Red alert is done at a severe threat level, and the HoS can enforce martial law with charisma and his underlings. Tell the crew to remain in their departments safe and sound, staying out of vile maint and battle-torn hallways. Refusal to comply can result in arrest. All departments will cooperate if you, the seccie, has a silver tongue. Contraband use is allowed, but discouraged.
All these alert levels just shine the light on the need for Security to cooperate with the crew, and mostly command. Security should always have a good relation with Command, and the crew. You’re there to protect and serve. Not to harass and annoy.
Or you know, you could just ask the AI for Blue and bypass all this like a normal lad.
The trickiest part of security.
Space law has been re-worked. The major change is that, the EOTC change no longer exists.
Functionally, this should not prove a huge barrier to security, as hostile agents never simply commit only the crime of existing. It’s meant to give antagonists a second chance instead of getting owned by a random search.
SPACE LAW DEPENDS ON THE INDIVIDUAL’S INTEPRETATION OF IT, AND AS SUCH IS SUBJECT TO COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC. This here is where lawyers come in, with the potential for RP and court cases.
Space law can either be just, or power-gamed to its fullest extent to devastate the deserving. Here, we deal with the latter.
Read the wiki for space law as a whole.
Tenets of SPACE LAW:
Charges are stackable. Killing two people counts as two counts of murder, not one.
Charges are additive. If someone hacks into the Captain’s Quarters, e-swords them and takes their antique. They’re to serve for B&E, High Security Area, Grand Larceny, Murder, Possession, Inherently dangerous. Even if they functionally serve only for the highest crime, it’s done for them here as it’s a capital crime
Intent is important. And for violent crimes, and theft, only the most severe is applied If you’re confused as to whether Graytide McTiderson committed assault or attempted murder, you’re supposed to choose the less severe one (Assault)
A single incident has a single sentence
Act like an antag, get treated like an antag. Help an antag, get treated as such too. Unless, it was done under duress.
Modifiers are important, apply them as needed, though only Elevated Sentencing is present to elevate punishment levels. Useful for the stealthier ones. Repeated crimes are to be taken very seriously.
The arrest procedure regarding heads is different, unless you catch them red-handed doing a crime. Heads cannot be random searched even on Red. You need the HoS’s or the Captain’s approval to arrest, search or bring in heads of staff for questioning. You’re free to talk with them in their department, but they have full rights to refuse questioning, or to tell you to get out. The HoS is your man for such cases.
ALL EOTC CONVICTIONS NEED A TRIAL. Try not to use it and settle on other capital crimes. Trials are not worth the time, and effort to conduct them.
Greyzones: Hostile agent with Carp, holopara , cult kit and otherwise non-removable contraband who has done nothing else yet. Brig for hostile agent, release and monitor them till they do anything. Merely having such dangerous contraband does not give them a fast track to the grave.
They’ll likely resist the first arrest on minor charges paving the way for more charges. Tactic is called Arrest-baiting. You heard it here first folks. Provoke and batong, same way the greytide provokes us.
Lethality Clause
Many security officers hesitate to apply lethal force while others go trigger happy. As an officer of the law, knowing when and where to apply lethal force is important. It varies from situation to situation, and the alert level you’re facing. And it may just save your life.
The rule of thumb is, lethal force is justified when:-
- Your life is threatened. Either due to being outnumbered or when the hostile poses a signficant threat to subdue (Hulk, anti-stuns, martial arts, Xenobio, Explosives). Them having nades or other high explosives is a valid cause to lethal them.
You may also deploy lethal force if the hostile has stun weaponry (Stun baton, flash for moth officers)
Unless TG, Bee does not allow you to lethal them if they have a water spray or lube spray for slipping. Looking at you, E-sword slip-shovers.
You may use lethal force with impunity on hostiles in hazardous areas (Space, fire, poison smoke clouds), and high risk areas such as armoury, bridge, SM room etc. Do not trespass on high risks areas as a joke, you’re liable to get lethalled legally, regardless of alert.
Need not be said, but lethal force is auth’d by default on wizards, lings, simple mobs and hostile boarders.
No full stripping, no searching out of Brig and no bucklecuffing for long periods.
Regardless of what they say, Implant checking is normal and justified when the suspect is accused of a severe crime.
Do not walk around with weapons out, It’s just asking to get shoved.
A high risk item going missing is enough cause to start searches. Do not hesitate to question and interrogate.
The CE and Engineers responsible for an engine detonation can be charged and demoted with the Captain’s and/or HoS’s approval.
Always keep an eye on dangerous areas like Xenobio, Toxins, Chemistry, Secure storage, and the departmental lathes. Escort trespassers out.
SoP is both your ally and foe. Gently remind people of SOP to get your end. Security is supposed to maintain SOP.
Words will get you what you want. Speak before shooting and stunning. Charisma is key.
If you’re in a department on green alert and its head asks you to leave. Leave, and return with the HoS, or higher if you feel it was unjust. Do not bother arguing, for the law is on their side. The HoS is your link to Command.
The safety of heads come above that of regular crew. You’re here to serve and protect mostly Command.
Missing chem-boards and illegal chem-stations, and other sensitive equipment like BS Launchpads are not a joke or a prank.
The AI is your greatest ally. Do not make it angry. Keep execution chatter and harm off the radio. Transfer is the key word.
Above everything else, you need to act with confidence and precision, ooze presence. No need for senseless arguments. Act with conviction. Act justly.
You can’t please everyone. Try to displease the least amount of folks with your decisions
The usage of Syndi-comms depends on admin discretion. There has been no concrete ruling on whether a player can use it or not. Last ruling I saw was Ruko, who allows it but says it’s a borderline case. But, well, he’s not the headmin anymore. Just similar to how Syndies use sec-comms, but Syndies also have codespeak if they get paranoid someone’s listening. Meta-secure comms bad.
Everyone is playing to have fun. You, others, and the antags. Above all, make sure everyone has fun. There’s no fun in a curbstomp and broken strategies. Without vaids, there is no purpose to security. And without us, there is no fun for them. It’s about balance. Respect the other side, and above all, both of us ought to have fun..
Do not arrest people for Syndi-balloons, suspicious decks of cards, and syndie-smokes. It’s just scummy and not fun, in my opinion.
The antag-greentext and sec majors are temporary, the players and the memories we made are eternal.
Standard Equipment
Flashes: Hardstuns anyone without flash protection long enough to cuff them. Can be spammed to keep them perma stunned. Deploy to arrest tiders and unprepared troublemakers. Moths can be flashed through a single layer of flash protection. Do not risk using it if hostile has face covered, resort to reliable baton.
Stun Baton: Deals 75 stamina damage, and is a two hit stun on unarmoured foes. Stamina armour from security, durathreat jumpsuit, security and syndicate armours helps a lot against batons. Most reliable security tool in combination with bola. BOLA, BATONG. One of the counters against martial arts when paired with a shield. The baton is useless in melee combat dealing only 5 brute. Use Billy clubs with 10 brute instead or combat knives.
Flashbang: Used to be part of sec’s signature flashbang spam strat before the nerf. Now, complicated to use with effect reducing on distance, and blinding through flash protection. Now, nearly useless other than to clear a room for breaching in (Never done). Set the detonation time to one second to get maximum utility out of it. Wrap it in sticky tape to get effects similar to pre-nerf flashbang if you can land the throw.
Energy Bola: Same as regular bola, except it can’t be taken off to be re-used by the valid. Slows them down to a crawl in a game where speed is everything in combat. Good as dead or owned if you land the throw and they don’t have a freedom implant.
Pepper-spray: Knocks down and blinds if they have no face covering, follow up with a shove to paralyse and baton till down. Wear a mask so you don’t get sprayed by other seccies
Disabler: A water gun. You need to get six shots in succession, in a laggy game where people run faster than time-dilated disabler bolts. Don’t count on it, unless you’re in an enclosed place where aiming is easy, or someone is rushing you or after you bola them. Not good on its own in a hallway unless you have good ping and good aim.
Billy Club: Use to break the guard of people with blocking items. It breaks shields, and causes people to drop blocking item very quickly, as it deals both brute and stamina damage on top of it.
Riot shields: A shield, blocks projectiles, but not lasers and disablers. Identical to telescopic shield, except riot shields can only be stored on back and not folded.
Armours: Standard armour is the jack of all trades. Riot armour protects against melee and prevents you from getting shoved, also, only security armour to cover all the limbs. Reflector vests protect from energy and has a chance to reflect energy bolts ( Syndie E-bow included), does not cover the limbs. Bulletproof protects from bullets, does not cover limbs. The visor of the riot helmet needs to be down to offer protection from Facehuggers.
All standard security armours, the HoS, Warden and Corporate Jackets offer protection to the arms too. Near identical in armour values.
Hardsuits: Security commonly uses three hardsuits, most officers prefer to forgo protection for speed instead opting for space adap.
Security Hardsuit: Third most protective combat suit on the station after the Captain’s SWAT suit and the HoS’s suit. You’re better off going with Space Adap if available. Slows you down. Security starts with two, you cannot get more.
HoS’s Hardsuit: A unique hardsuit with an integrated jetpack. Does not give you the speed of a regular jetpack but allows maneuvering. Nearly fireproof (75%), so you can keep fighting for a good while on fire. Imo, the protection is well worth the slow down.
SWAT suit: Surplus hand me down SWAT suits. Identical to the Cap’s hardsuit, except not as drippy. Completely fireproof. In space, the HoS suit’s increased maneuverability defeats the SWAT suit. Seen in the hands of Cargonian Spec-Ops.
Dragnet: A rarely used, but very useful gun with two modes.
Netting: Forms a circle around people, and teleports them to the beacon which you set up in a secure location, or a stun chamber (turrets or N2O) when the circle collapses. Does not stun them, so you’ll need to have them stunned or cuffed priorly. Used to transport captured prisoners during conversion modes for deconversion at Brig, saving you the trip to the Brig. Also, for teleporting wounded fighters back to a safe zone. And for tactical retreats, by netting yourself.
Bola: Shoots out an energy snare, which lays on the floor like a bear trap for some time. Ensnares you with an energy bola when you step on it. Useful for catching people on meth, or other means of superspeed. Just don’t step on it while running after them.
Gonbola: The god-father of Bolas, pacifies the target upon ensnaring them, leaving them helpless. Best bola in the game, but rare due to needing gondola hide to make it. Stops Carp, CQC and Plasma Fist in their tracks.
- For some reason, Bolas cannot be blocked, though the blocking message appears.
Laser gun, E-gun , Advanced E-gun: Pew, pew. 20 burn, reduced by armour. Enough said. Advanced E-gun recharges on its own.
Temperature Gun: A weapon that can be used to its truest potential only by the robust. Features both bake and freeze modes. However, only the freeze mode is used. It slows people down by freezing them. Where this weapon shines however is in space combat with its absurb ammo count, and the fact that you cannot take off spacesuits to warm up. One of the best ways to slow people down in space (Bolas don’t work in space, last I checked). Skeletons are immune to this
Ion Gun: Creates a 3 x 3 EMP whereever the bolts strike. One of the best weapons against mechs and cyborgs. Keep away from IPCs and ethereals. Also used against combatants armed with energy weaponry, and to break open lockers and depower equipment like doors, cameras. Drains significant APC charge if it hit one. One of the few things that can kill the God Virologist buffed up with Clockwork bodyparts and heals.
Multiphase: The HoS’s baby. Three modes - Disable, Lethal, Stun. One of the last station-based sources of hardstunning tasers. The taser bolts travel slow and you only get three shots. Preferable to point blank or use after bola’ing them.
Shotguns: Mwah! The best and most versatile tool in security’s kit. Effectiveness depends on the shell loaded. You know why I use the shotgun? Cause it doesn’t miss, and it stops the criminals with two shots. The Warden’s Compact Shotgun, and Combat shotguns chamber themselves. Do not manually chamber them and waste rounds. Slight uber-recoil issue as of recent. Kinda starting to miss even with a shotgun.
Shotgun Shells
- Buckshot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 12.5 brute damage each, for a maximum of 75. Extremely lethal at close range. Preferred and most commonly used round, since it’s good against everything and hard to miss with it. Pointblanking with it causes the target to get knocked back.
- Shotgun Slug: Fires one large projectile doing 60 damage, with slightly poor armor penetration. Aim for the limbs and unarmoured parts. Near useless against armour.
- Rubber Shot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 3 brute and 25 stamina damage each. More effective at stopping a target, but stamina damage fades with time. Useless.
- Beanbag: Shoots one single beanbag, dealing 5 brute and 80 stamina damage. The bartender uses these by default. Useless, why bother loading a shotgun with non-lethals when you have bola and batong.
- Stun Shell: Shoots an electrode that stuns on hit, much like a taser. Just like the HoS gun.
- Incendiary Slug: Shoots a single projectile that leaves a fire trail and ignites the target, on top of 20 brute damage. Used to fight changelings, leaving them husked and their fleshmend owned.
- Shotgun Dart: A single dart that can contain up to 30 units of chemicals that’ll be injected on hit. Go to chemistry, get devious. Anything from Pota-Water, to Lexorin-Suphonal, to Fentanyl-Heparin. Commonly used against rogue xenobiologists, due to the shell’s one shot kill over time potential. Curse your extracts, you got poison in your veins.
Technological Shells: Unloaded technological shells can be made in a Protolathe
- Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile, deals 30 brute damage and stuns for 8 seconds. Pushes back machinery on hit. Just like the admin only meteor gun, except we have to reload.
- Pulse Slug: Works like one of the deathsquad’s pulse rifle shots, dealing 50 burn damage and damaging or destroying walls and machinery. Time to LARP as the deathsquad.
- Dragonsbreath Shell: Like the incendiary slug, but shoots a spread of 4 burning pellets. Deals less direct damage. Regular Incendiary is better, I don’t want to set the world on fire.
- FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that knocks down targets and causes an explosion where it hits, on top of dealing 25 brute damage. Most commonly used tech shell due to the ease of its making. Get the chemists a black slime from xenobio for glycerol, and you’re set. Best shell, a two hit kill with the first hit damaging and destroying the target’s gear, on top of a stun. BEST SHELL EVER, watch out for friendly fire, though.
- Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a single target instead of the 3x3 area hit by normal ion rifles. Use ion rifle, not worth it.
- Laser Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 6 laser beams with up to 90 total damage. Fallout memes.
- Improvised Shotgun Shell: Shoots a spread of 7 metal shards, doing a total of 60 damage at point blank. Used by the greytide.
Don’t expect to see anything but the basic shells unless the Warden or the Brig Phy is feeling bored. Tech shells represent the epitome of sec-power, with most being insta-kills. Just not nerfed yet cause nobody uses it. Last time I saw a proper tech shell, it was back on Golden. RIP Golden.
X-Ray Laser Gun: Passes through walls, but not through mobs or lockers. Use with thermal vision to snipe hostiles from afar. Bane of every malf AI, who still remains in their core.
Barrier Nades: Limited in supply, but sets up sturdy barricades. Use them to set up defenses and chokepoints. You can fire over it when you’re standing adjacent to it, it’ll protect you from projectiles fired from far off. Useful during nuke ops and revolution.
Auto-Rifle: Almost on par with the shotgun, with its lock and go massive ammo supply of 20 rounds. Damage depends on the loaded ammo. Always worth fitting it with a knife to act as a bayonet. The go-to weapon for militias as it is not worthless when EMP’d and easy to load and maintain. Cargonian weapon.
Nothing much to say about the ammo types. Incendiary ammo is for changelings, toxins is meant to be for armoured people, since most armour does not protect against toxins, but just use regular ammo or even AP.
Telescopic and Police Batons: To use them properly, aim for the legs, sweep them and shove. Beating on the chest for the stamina damage comes after. But the shove is usually enough.
Tear-gas: Pepper-spray but AoE and vision obscuring. Useful, but the smoke cloud also prevents you from effectively batonging them.
Grenade-Launcher: Can be loaded with grenades with varying detonation times. Nuff said. Instant or 1 second detonation nitrous or meth nades. Ghetto RPG launcher.
Bear Traps: For those speed-demons, ask the janitor for a few, or print 'em. Slows people greatly and damages them too.
Banana Creampie: No shame in acting like a clown. Those creampies are tough, and knock people down with a single hit.
Spray bottles: Fill 'em up with whatever you need for the job, from slips to CLF3 deathmixes for changelings
Bottles: Quad-sec heals you, best to keep some on hand. Also, doubles as a stun weapon when you bash it over someone’s head (Target head, click on them in harm intent). You can fill the bottle with burning mixes and acid for extra deviousness.
- The Lethality clause applies to spray bottles and bottles. Don’t douse every arrestee in it, use it only for lings and other uber threats.
Explosive or Flashbang-Lances: Heh, heh, make them cope and seethe. Can’t say more without warcrimes. Note that you need to hit them with it, throwing does not work. For suicidal martyrs. Flashbang lances are a hardstun and always a safe bet, if you don’t wanna be a martyr.
Strobe shields: Useful for revs, A shield and a flash in one. What more could you want. Hardstun, Batong.
Flamerthrowers: NEVER USE THEM. YOU ALWAYS HAVE BETTER OPTIONS. Unless, the station is FUBAR.
Molotovs: To changelings, from Securistan with love. Fire is the best way to fight lings.
Cat O Nine something: IDK, just another reason to de-tail felinids.
COMBAT KNIFE: 20 Brute damage knives that fit in your boot or pocket. Can be carried at any alert level. Order them from cargo ASAP. Can be sharpened to 25 Brute.
Mosin Nagant: A very powerful bolt-action rifle. Best used by those with good ping, and good aim. Personally, I prefer to pray and spray with an auto-rifle.
Security is expected not to use high explosives on the station, unless the situation is FUBAR. So lay off the methnades, unless the situation is dire enough to warrant it.
Originally, this had pictures and was colourful, but turns out I don’t have the permissions. So, I present to you, the Bland version.
TLDR; Uh, no disable simple mob. Shooty.