The Chap's Null Rod should be retrievable like the Ninja's sword

Other than his null-rod, chap is just a memey-er curator. They both have an armor/outfit uplink, they both have a specific antag they deal with, they both run around the station not really doing their jobs (the technical side anyway) and instead opting to robust/explore, and if there are no admins on to answer prayers there’s nothing really “supernatural” about the chap, other than his healy book. Chap losing his null rod, since there’s only one, is a big deal, so letting him recall it from anywhere would be extremely useful, and make the atheist hat (you throw it and it cuts people with your edge for 30 damage) becomes viable again, since people can’t just steal it or run off with it stuck in their legs or something.

Idk, just when there’s gimmick job magicians running around with better and more “magical” powers it doesn’t make sense for the chap to ONLY be able to heal people via bible.

Just be sure to set it to not work if it’s something like the chainsaw arm or the armblade WHILE you’re holding it, so you can’t just swap hands. Also if you get gibbed other people can just pick up your dark blessing which is kinda funky

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But I feel like Instant Summon that only works on null rod would be a tiny bit better, but who am I to judge?

+999999990 because yes.

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Chap is already played as an excuse to powergame. They aren’t wizards, they rely on their god to answer prayers.

Pray for your lost stick/weapon and 9 out of 10 times it will probably be returned to you. Unless a lame admin that mutes prayers is on


im kinda against this UNLESS its the atheists fedora, in wich case should return to you, but returning it should make you say a snarky remark


Remove the punishment for validhunting as chaplain and losing your weapon, make the chainsaw arm useless and make his weapon even more overpowered.

As much as this would make my powergame chaplain play better, he does not need the ability to be able to recall weapons with high damage, high limb dismember, some weapons where you can’t shove overwise your hand gets cut off. If you are running round trying to validhunt tators with it and get shoved and lose it, then you are unrobust and deserve to have it stolen.

Giving the Chaplain instant summons would solve non of this and would make the validhunting aspect worse since they are now 10x better at doing it

chaplain and his shitter shank are gay as fuck . he doesnt need auto-retrieval