Th0ttyPatrol Banned by Dejaku51

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Beestation Sage

Ban Type: Temporary

Ban Length: 2 days

Ban Date (02/16/2023):

Round ID: 42753

Ban Reason: Self-antag and grief

Appeal Reason: i didnt know any better i asked to make sure it was okay nobody said anything and then i asked if anybody objected and nobody said anything and plus the round was almost over shuttle was on the way admin said ‘i didnt take the bwoink seriously’ and i did but to be honest it was entertaining even though it was long, i learned from my actions and vow to never do it again unless like roleplay leads me to do it but i wont do it without a reason next time.

Additional Information: How sorry i am at least just roleban me from chemist for a bit not the whole ass server all the other servers suck beestation is the best station i love beestation all hail beestation

Good. Don’t spawn hostile mobs in an area that they can easily escape and start attacking people if you’re not an antagonist. Also in the future please take tickets seriously, your responses were very dismissive and that pretty heavily contributed towards this ban.

It’s just a two day ban, expires later today. You can still play once it expires.

Appeal Denied.