Appeal Reason: Almost anyone who has played ss 13 has said the anti lizard word. I didn’t even dodge the filter to say it I wrote l#gger because now it’s mostly censored. The first time was me asking if it was still allowed. I was then given a vague response. I don’t remember much because it happened at 12:29 this morning. Then as far as I remember I got no real warning that you can’t say l#gger anymore other than the beebot filter. Then I said the lizard racism word twice more and got beaned. I just thought beebot auto removed anything close to the n word but I guess I was wrong.
Additional Information: Probably unrelated but Ruko has his discord pfp as his lizard character. Fuck lizards. If I am wrong about some things in my appeal please check the audit log or whatever it is called for the discord server. I was tired.
The fact the word is censored, you asked if it was a slur and got a rather sarcastic answer from me (“I wonder if maybe that’s why it’s not possible to say it”) because you’ve already been kicked twice by this point. You then proceeded to ping Kev with it demanding it be removed.
You were salting in general about the filter for a while before this and you got two warnings instead of the single one players are stated they will get.
Will await other input as usual, but ban should stick for a bit as it is, though I’m definitely not against lifting it after a few days.