Targu banned by Joelogbybolb

CKEY: Targu
Admin’s CKEY: Joelogbybolb
Ban Type: Permanent
Ban Length: Forever
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/): 2024/06/15
Round ID: 48993
Ban Reason: Grief
Appeal Reason:
That was my first time playing this and I didnt know where I should go as a shaft miner. I was just exploring the station, trying to find where I am suppossed to go, and suddenly i got disconnected and while I tried to rejoin i found out I was banned. I havent said anything in chat or attacked anyone, so I dont know what the reason for the ban is

Hello, sorry for the ban. I thought you were one of the griefers who were actively plasmaflooding the station, as they tend to play cargo roles and you were pretty new. Sorry for that. I’ve unbanned you now and you should be able to play.