Tapczan Mentor application

No one can doubt your experience


+1 lol​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Body is absolutely clear Discourse.

Holy fuck!

You almost match the catmin for how much time you’ve burned.

Sorry, I don’t think we should let more deranged people into memetors.



complete sentence

There’s no way I can not +1 you considering all the experience I have with you in game under your static names. You’ve consistently shown effort and understanding of the game that rivals even the most well versed and most well engineered players.

10/10, would recommend.

so, +18 now?
i dunno i cant count

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He has 3000 hours
he is the most well versed player

+1 202020202020

+19 in total, someone make it 20


Just for you

+1 Highest rated mentor ?

ill give my +1 too. 20 char limit moment too

my god, we are at a +22. approve it already

no we must go higher

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why is this not accepted yet??

because haha funny number go up

I would like to add that this madlad has only 1 ban in 3k hours.

And that ban was appealed

He has a cleaner record than most admins.

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I have one wrongly applied ban and two legit notes
Evil spessman

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You need at least 30 hours as Beach Bum before this application can be considered.

Actually it’s just that we have something going on with mentors in general right now, this will be processed at some point after that’s all said and done.

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+1 before it’s accepted