Tamumus Staff Feedback Thread

Tamumus. Hmm, it’s a nice pick, solid in all cases. If you are going for a bus build you may risk to RNG how much he’s willing to follow up with your shit, but if you are trying to go safe, in this meta Tamumus is in a solid position. He listens and doesn’t often jump into conclusions too fast, also knows when to slide something in the name of funny .If you are looking for a solid pick in a meta as chaotic and shifting as the one we are experiencing right now, Tamumus is never a bad pick. Also in the reports game, this man is a mean working machine. Solid A tier, possibly S in the future, let’s see if the devs nerf him and if they don’t change him much and they don’t patch "the french exploit ", we may face one of the most terryfing picks in this whole game.


Oct '23?? Does no one care about the french admins?

Tamumus, very competent admin from what i’ve seen in terms of handling shitters and troublemakers, reminds me of Wilson going psycho mode, so that’s very good!

As Varo pointed out he’s an admin that likes to follow through with gimmicks and prays, could be for the better or worse depending on the RNG of god’s wrath and the idea itself.

However i’ve noticed a lot of Admin Gimmicks are usually very focused on a couple of specific players and, for the most part, involves a small group of players rather than the entire crew. That’s not entirely bad itself but it does gives a vibe of favoritism rather than ‘‘they were the only one that did a pray on the entire round so why not!’’ if it’s looked from an outsider perspective, of course i know that’s not the case but it can come off as that (Example: repeated Nyamazon events to the same two-three crewmembers) Ultimately, they’re for the most part harmless and if they’re harmful are usually only towards the people being adminbussed, so it’s not like it breaks any immersion or impacts the round negatively (like sending monkeys with .357, to give an extreme example, which Tamumus doesn’t do) but it’s worth pointing out.

Lastly, i’ve also been noticing both from the crew and antag perspective of Tamumus overusing Centcom responses from over-equipped ERT’s to BSA’s mostly towards Blobs, Xenomorphs and Zombies

Sometimes they try to do harmless meme ERT’s but they end up missfiriring numbers and accidentally make overpowered simplemobs (in the case of the plushies ERT which they’ve done in the past i believe) and in other ocassions they give the ERT’s some extra fire-power depending on the context of the round but they usually are good enough to decimate the antag they’re fighting against.

Whenever i’ve brought up the issue to Tamumus the main response is ‘‘X antag is holding the round hostage so we’re sending this’’ which is fair of course, but from what i’ve personally observed most of the times when said antag finally manages to get the crew to pull back so they can have some breathing room to expand(Blob, Xenos) thus beng closed to be able to end the round, the ERT comes and further extend the fight from half an hour up to an entire extra hour which if the round would’ve played out without CC interference it would’ve ended in less than thirty minutes so i do believe they’re poorly timed and makes it feel like the antag never actually has a chance to finish the round since they’re being thrown stuff at them constantly, for example i’ve seen a Blob beat an ERT wave and without a crew request another one got sent, which also brings the issue about sometimes some supports are uncalled from the crew, this is mostly because my view as an old player made me ‘‘used’’ to a very specific way of sending ERT’s that was done by multiple admins through the years :

→ Captain contact Centcoms
→ Centcom replies sending inspector/interns
→ It escalates to Blue/Red alert ERT if needed


→ Centcom sents a ‘‘we’re noticing a lot of your crew vitals are offline is everything okay?’’
→ If no response because no one manages to go to bridge, welp, sorry for you! alternatively… They send a inspector to check on the station
→ Interns/blue/red alert ert get sent

I know at the end of the day as long as they follow some basic guidelines it’s up to their discretion but i feel it’s worth pointing it up to Tamumus to at least consider the effort the antagonist has put through(fighting back the crew amazingly) and allow them to finish the round if it’s deemed that it’ll be quicker than sending an ERT(specially if no centcom message was sent) that can end up extending the round more thus, going against the ‘‘holding the round hostage so it must end’’.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to scenarios when we’re already 2:30hs in to the round and the blob fight has been going for an hour that’s obviously acceptable and whenever they’ve done it under those type of circumstances is perfectly fine since D-Chat, the crew and the Blob want everything to end, most of the issues are on rounds around 1 hour 20 minute (give or take) that extends up to an extra hour when ERT shenanigans happen


Good admin! keep gettin’ em!
Good admin buss, very creative, they’ve mastered the art of creating ‘‘la creatura’’ and the thing i mentioned above
I strongly suggest to keep an eye on ERT responses/CC involvement and the general context of both the crew, the dead, antags and the timer to pick the better suitable end that will make the round end.

That’s all!

Ah and also a secmain bro so +1


sec main admins, the brig has fallen.
goodmin +1

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I think most of my respect for Tam comes from his ability to be impartial and also putting people at ease with well timed jokes and a constant chill atmosphere. He’s a delight to talk to, goes along with jokes, admins seriously, literally flies through admin reports and still has time to play not one, but two characters regularly. All in all, a wonderful set of characters to roleplay with that have handled multiple game ending scenarios with good leadership and an ability to strategize.

10/10 would recommend


Horrible admin because they like fun gimmicks and actively try to spice up rounds when things get dull, how dare they do a good job >:(

All jokes aside I’ve had great experiences with Tamumus, it never feels like they’re just going through the paces if you get bwoinked, and instead actually want to hear what’s going on. Even if you’re deemed to be in the wrong, it never feels like they’re shaming you, it just genuinely feels like they want you to know what you’ve done wrong. Personally I can attribute a lot of my learning of the beestation stuff to them through their characters teaching. Overall they just seem to have fun while doing admin stuff (not to say other admins don’t, but Tam and h42 especially seem to just have a good time and don’t treat it like some stuffy office job.). 10/10