Tamumus Player Report

In-game misconduct:

CKEY: The Maggot Guy

Your Discord: themaggotguy

Offender’s CKEY: Tamumus

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Pauline Dubois

Date: 2023-10-4

Round Number: 46110

Rules Broken (if relevant): Don’t kill borgs that follow their laws

Incident Description: I am late to get on the shuttle, as borg. I get on the shuttle and see someone from sec (Pauline) beating on a crew member. I flash them to get them to stop, and am flashed. I try to flash them again and they order me to stop, and I do, protesting about crew harm. I keep whining about crew getting harmed and Pauline magdumps into me, killing me.

Additional Information:


Pauline Dubois says, “It gets le message across.”


So, I’m mid arrest dealing with a guy who was using stunprods on harm intent.
A borg rushes me and spam flash me.
Okay, start rambling about human harm? Lasers? (I did not shoot the guy, I used my baton. The officer did.)
Borg keep spam flashing me, I flash back after trying to talk.
It fucks off. Borg comes back, blocking me and start yelling harm.
I have enough, flash and laser until all its modules are gone (it never died).
Borg get out of my way, I go back to my prisonners
It got le message accross.
EDIT: it was also red alert.
Something, something, extreme prejudice.


I really thought I died there, and so did a couple other people, sorry I got that wrong. I still think that’s an overreaction but I can see your point too. Let me sleep on it.

Did you sleep on it yet?


eh, IC issue, feel free to close

edit: eh I kinda want to see what the ruling will be so don’t close it, but also it’s not important at all so take your time

honestly, I think it does not matter if it was red/blue, the escalation policy for borgs is lavaland, so you’re free to go ham on em if they try to obstruct you (with valid reason ofc).

Silicon policy afford protection to borg following their laws in good faith (it wouldn’t be funny for the borgs if they could get killed just for messing with the crew in accordance with their laws).

  • As a non-antagonist, detonating or killing cyborgs with no justifiable cause or fear of subversion is against the rules, especially if another viable solution exists.

So red does matter here IMO.
If it was blue, I’m not sure I would have acted the same, altho’ it would probably have ended up with the borg disabled all the same.
Can’t really ask AI/RnD to lock it at this point (Shuttle about to leave) so you end up having to flash and block it somewhere while messing with its wires…bleh, but doable technically.

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this still hasn’t been assigned after 3 months

Woah. almost half a year old report


Alrighty, apologies for taking this long to resolve this report.

I think this is overall extremely minor. While the rule does say that killing borgs for no reason is not okay, I absolutely understand how tamus felt in this situation.

You’re desperately trying to arrest someone, then this borg shows up and just starts being annoying and flashing you even though you weren’t even the one causing human harm.

It’s not like tamus killed you immediately, they flashed you and told you to go away. Then once you come back it’s perfectly reasonable to deal with you, considering it was red alert.
I think this was an IC situation.

Thank you for the report nonetheless.