Tamumus Admin Report/abductor zombie apocalypse edition

CKEY: Motespeck

Your Discord: malfunctioningvideofeed

Offender’s CKEY: Tamumus

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Abductor Scientist and Agent for the abductors that were the subject of the ticket

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2023-08-05

Round Number: 45227

Rules Broken (if relevant): for the abductors he let off the hook, antag conduct/escalation policy and you must RP

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Failing to enforce rules, improperly marking as IC issue

Incident Description: I was kidnapped as a blood cultist by the abductors, who then later teleported back to me and ganked me for the purpose of turning me into a Romerol zombie, which violated the abductor antag escalation policy and the general RP standard for abductors to avoid causing mass casualties or unneeded killings of crew, which causing a normally hijack/DAGD restricted event falls under. I ahelped the abductors for re-kidnapping an experiment victim to murder me and they proceeded to close the ticket after they Romerol’d me and sent me back to cause a zombie apocalypse. They cited abductors having access to the tumor surgery as “code issue not rules issue” which I feel is a bad argument given that using things like bombs and viro plagues as non murderbone antags is bannable and has been, you can’t just say “code issue, I have access to it in my uplink so it’s not antag policy violation” when doing something similar as a traitor or incursion.

Additional Information: apparently an admin report is the only way to get a bad ticket resolution overruled so this is what I’m going with, I’d rather just report the abductors if it were possible.


Alrighty, so this is a bit of a tricky ticket because in general we did use to allow abductors to create zombies under certain conditions.

The ability to create zombies for abductors was merged shortly after this situation took place.

Considering we never punished abductors for creating zombies, it would be a bit unfair to punish tamumus for assuming it was fine here.

And now, that the ability for abductors to create infectious zombies is removed anyways, there’s no real point in telling them to keep this in mind for the future.

I’d otherwise thank you for your report nonetheless!