Takka Mentor Application

Your CKEY: Takka

Your Discord: Angelic#4901

How long have you been playing ss13?: 214 hours, mostly on beestation.

Game Experience (More Detailed): I enjoy the time I placed into this game learning most roles. Currently have experience mostly on the engineering and medical roles though I am learning more.

How much experience do you have with science, botany, cargo, etc? Basically, what’s the extent of your knowledge besides engineering and medical?

Science I know everything besides toxins, nanites, and telescience. For everything in service jobs I mostly learned cook, botany, and janitor. As for cargo I learned an intermediate knowledge from it.

I guess that’s a pretty good general understanding, +0.5. I’d give a +1, but your hours are still a little light. Good app though, if you pass the mentor clan will have no problem with allowing you in.

High play hours and 0 notes
Mind posting a pic of your role playtime?


Here is my +1
20 char bad

+1 knows mostly everything, but you should probably look for a guide on the forums for toxins


+1, knows his stuff.

It’s been more than two weeks, and I don’t see any objections or reason not to accept this.

Welcome to the club.