Szczebrzeszyn Staff Feedback Thread

This is the feedback thread for @Szczebrzeszyn // Szczebrzeszyn

Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.

This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.

You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.

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A good Admin, is down to earth, and has a sense of humour.

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womp womp

kane is a good admin +1 missile

Menace to admin redemption arc, you love to see it

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Goodmin. Stubbed my toe one time too many and I had to gib him, though.

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1984’min. Silences his opposition with gravitational anomalies too damn much. :pensive: Will be reasonable and cares for be understanding of circumstances upon request though.

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  1. Got silenced.
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I want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration caused by recent moderation actions. Our intention is never to make anyone feel unfairly treated or “1984’d.” Your feedback is invaluable, and we strive to create a fair and supportive environment for all members.

If you’re feeling upset or struggling with any emotions related to this issue, I encourage you to check out this helpful resource: How to Cope With Grief. It offers some great advice that might be beneficial for your current case!

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!


It’s been twice now that you’ve taken up one of my ahelps about a bug/issue, I asked you for something in ticket and received no reply at all while i waited for 10 mins.
I get that you’re busy and some shift just have a lot happening/you have a ton of tickets, but man, even a simple “give me a few minutes i’m busy”, “no” or just closing the ticket would be much better than leaving me silently waiting, wondering about whether or not you’ll help.

Last shift, I got to take over the body of a newbie nukie who just left before even landing, saying “i’m too new for this game i’m out”. He bought a collection of really random shit that was near unusable and I asked to have a full respawn so I can buy proper stuff.
You didn’t reply for 8 minutes at which point I decided to move into the station, and it’s only like 15 mins after I asked (and a few minutes after I died) that you simply closed the ticket without a word.

I do appreciate that you still took the OG ticket tho (rerolling the nukie spawn because he was ssd), I just wish you didn’t leave me hanging. And it’s the fact that it’s the second time something similar happens that makes me write this post.

Again, just a simple “No, I’m not doing that”, “Give me a minute, i’ll consider it” or closing the ticket outright is so much better than radio silence.