Super12pl's Mentor Application

Time to stop whining about mentors not doing their jobs and actually change things

Your CKEY: super12pl

Your Discord: super12pl#1550

How long have you been playing ss13?: Since April 2018, on bee since June 2020

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Bunch of people, try asking around discord

Game Experience (More Detailed): 535h alive 45h ghost
I have knowledge in most departments and jobs excluding toxins, complex SM setups and atmos (before you -2 not like all mhelps are about engineering stuffs)
here are my hours:


Playtime isn’t bad, decent record too.
I’ll leave a +1.

Here’s a few miscellaneous questions.

  • Where can extra plant data disks be obtained?

  • What’s the difference between a trash bag of holding and a bag of holding?

  • How do you repair an IPC?

  • Someone asks a rules related question you don’t know the answer to, what do?

  • What common mistake do doctors make when treating slime people?

Also you might want to get a bit more experience playing silicon roles, law related questions aren’t too uncommon.

Where can extra plant data disks be obtained?

You can print them at service lathe after research is done or order some from cargo.

What’s the difference between trash bag of holding and bag of holding

Trash bag of holding can be printed at service lathe, is cheaper, can(and should) be kept at belt slot and lets you store large amount of items.
Bag of holding can be printed at service lathe, is more expensive than TBOH, holds less stuff and intervenies with teleports

How do you repair an IPC?

Apply welder for brute damage, cable coil for burn damage, (rarely) system cleaner for toxin damage and antivirus if they get disease somehow.

Someone asks a rules question you don’t know answer to, what do?

tell them to ahelp, admins should know the answer

What common mistake do doctors make when treating slime people?

Giving them common toxin healing drugs.
Slime people get major toxin damage and lose “blood” when given toxin healing drugs and heal toxin damage and gain “blood” when given toxins and poisons.
If you want to heal slime person just grab toxin bottle from medbay vendor.

+2 from me due to combined playtime, being generally good natured and having a decent record… but I’m still going to nitpick your answers a bit.

Solder would like a word with you (IPC brain damage healing)

Your answer is only partially correct, but it is what most players seem to believe about slimepeople

Drop down for detailed info on slimepeople

Toxin healing chems both deal toxin damage and drain their blood… However slime races still need mostly conventional care. Toxic chemicals will only heal toxin damage and not other damage types, and they will not restore blood volume.

Chemicals that heal Burn, Brute and Oxyloss affect slime races exactly like other races do, as long as they don’t also heal toxin damage, such as Omnizine, Tricordrizine, Atropine an Epinephrine all would.

There’s very likely to be a roundstart balanced slimepeople race in the near future, so it is actually relatively important that this be known by our mentors now.

Pretty good player, answers aren’t the worst.
Changing my previous +1 to a +2.


based lad, plus HOURS. +1
here’s some questions to make it interesting

Someone Mhelps that the metatstation roundstart cryo setup is broken, as there is a missing pipe. He asks you how to fix it. What do you tell him?

The grav gen is broken and someone mhelps for how to fix it. What do you tell him?

Someone mhelps that research point generation has completely halted. What do?

How much agony do you feel when someone puts an IPC in cloning?

Someone Mhelps that the metatstation roundstart cryo setup is broken, as there is a missing pipe. He asks you how to fix it. What do you tell him?

I tell him that roundstart cryo setup on meta is not broken and someone probalby dislocated the pipe during the round. Then to fix it he needs to either find the dislocated pipe and put it back into place or get RPD from engineering/science and place a new pipe using it.

The grav gen is broken and someone mhelps for how to fix it. What do you tell him?

I tell him to fix it using screwdriver then welding tool then 10 sheets of plasteel then wrench.

Someone mhelps that research point generation has completely halted. What do?

I tell him to check server monitor computer if all servers are intact (and to build new ones of they are not) if all servers are not damaged i tell him to check if freezers are up and running and temperature in server room(s) is low enough

How much agony do you feel when someone puts an IPC in cloning?

answer these and you get my +1

-how do you set up a t4 singlo
-what chemistry explosive is the most powerful
-whats the easiest way to make power as a eng if there is no power and the sm blew up
-whats the easiest way to make power as the qm/cargotech if there is no power and the sm blew up

This was a trick question! The setup is correct, there’s just a pipe under the floor tile that would confuse new players.
Good answers, +1

1 Like

how do you set up a t4 singlo

  1. Install gravitational singularity generator in a middle of engine room (that one in space i hope thats how its called)
  2. Install rad collectors outside plasmaglass on wire knots and fill them with plasma tanks then turn em on
  3. Upgrade all the shit above
  4. Activate emitters and field generators (make sure you dont get caught in field generator beam like a dumbass)
  5. Set up particle accelerator next to engine room by wrenching all the pieces together, wiring them with cable coil then screwdriving the panels closed. Link them with console.
  6. Set accelerator’s output to 2 and wait until singulo reaches either stage 2 or 3 (depends if you feel like taking risks) then set it to 0.
  7. Set up SMES
  8. Check on it every so often to make sure it won’t loose.

what chemistry explosive is the most powerful

Meth, obviously

whats the easiest way to make power as a eng if there is no power and the sm blew up

Order antimatter crates from cargo, wrench and multitool parts together, turn it on, done

whats the easiest way to make power as the qm/cargotech if there is no power and the sm blew up

Order antimatter crates from cargo, wrench and multitool parts together, turn it on, done

edit: oh yeah you would probalby want to connect antimatters to SMES batteries if you dont want to shock John Greytider hacking door in maintenance to death.

  1. specifically t4 singlo but for normal singlo great

  2. (created_volume/strengthdiv, 1) is the formula for chemical bomb strength and meth and blackpowder have a strengthdiv of 6 while nitroglycerin has one of 2 which means nitroglycerin is actually 3x as strong and really not too hard to make

and antimatter is great also pacmans are underused and also great


What server?

20 characters achieved

Good lad, good answers +1

No bans with centcom
Good hours

Questions -
What is the optimal trit mix

If someone mhelps “Im in a dorm room and trying to hypo flash captain, what should I do” what do you do ic and with the mhelp.

what is optimal trit mix

i dont have experience in toxins but 3% plasma 97% oxygen i guess?

If someone mhelps “Im in a dorm room and trying to hypo flash captain, what should I do” what do you do ic and with the mhelp.

mhelp them that they need to get captain’s sunglasses off by either
murdering them, stripping of sunglasses and then reviving
stunning them in other ways (stun baton or energy crossbow maybe) and then stripping and flashing them.

what do you do ic

(what kind of question is this)
totally nothing

Pretty sure mind shield blocks hypno flash too.


Pretty sure mind shield blocks hypno flash too.

Oh yeah it does
Then correction they need to murder the captain, take off their sunglasses, remove mindshield using surgery, revive them and make them sleep using anesthetic so they can be considered vulnurable then flash (phew)

whats dis, a mentor app being procces in under a week? Heresy i say, heresy!

its at +9 already, so im rather sure you wont get downvoted to negatives .

ACCEPTED AT +9 unless i cant count

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