Here is a little guide on how you can make a synthflesh factory using the new plumbing system in chem.
It both acts as a supply for cloning and a nice synthflesh distributor for cloning. Which means that if your chemist is intelligent enough to view and use that guide he also did clonexadone so cloning at low tech level isn’t a problem anymore after the big update !
Here are some screenshot of a working factory.
If anyone is interested i can also do a guide on plumbing.
*Edit: T3 and G5 aren’t directly linked to M2 but the pipe going into it.
cool guide but it’s not automatic
this is why all the maps need a designated chemistry manufacturing zone like NSV does
Ok i just remembered something and might be able to make it fully automatic.
Unstable mutagen + blood = more blood.
Fully automated.
Yes i was searching that. I accidentally made it once but didn’t find the recipies on the wiki !
Just create a tank and one input gate, slap some blood in it, remove the gate and use the tank with mutagen to create blood
Caec why dont you do the thinge like TG did and create big ass space for these types of contraptions?
The problem is that i need to find a way to mak a loop with that blood otherwise the blood will all be pumped by the other machines.
Since there is no way to instore an if condition i tested some things.
I had an idea where i could use an intial blood count that isn t a fration of the blood i will use in the mixer.
Like i have 10 blood but only use 9 in mixer.
I tested it and no the mixer would just store the blood instead of leaving it in the tank
then i tried feeding that mixer with mutagen to create the blood INSIDE the mixer but the regents are in stasis while not every regents in the mixer are present.
Tried to experiment with a weird loop that would both feed the production and the tank originally stocking the blood with the power of dividers but weirdly enough it always ended up with the production taking all the blood.
Well what am i saying. i can just start with a blood tank and fill it with unstable mutagen.
It will never deplete faster than it output which should be 4.
And for is bigger than 15, or rather 30.
I will try that once my eyes grew back because they fell off while i was experimenting.
I was murdered twice while experimenting.
And now i’m stuck in a powered off cryo.
well i always just create 3 synthesizers to create mutagen and feed it directly in to the tank with blood, it always works and its simple.
Gotta love right clicking a pile of factory-made synthflesh patches and my game just fucking crashes lol.
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