Strawbrary could maybe do a mentor?

Your CKEY: PeanutJuice

Your Discord: basedglitchwitch

How long have you been playing ss13?: A month! I’ve played about 250 hours which from peoples reactions seems to be a lot.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: no one that I know of :D. Maybe someone will in the comments

Game Experience (More Detailed): I have a lot of experience in medbay, science, robotics. Some command (from low pop), some shaft miner/cargo, some explo. A little security, and a tiny bit engi (I can maybe get an SM running). Some AI/borg. Some service. I’m partly applying for this because I really enjoy helping people and teaching people, and because being medbay and science I end up teaching a lot of new players anyway. I’m happy to help people with anything though and playing on lowpop offers a lot of opportunities to help people or deal with unique situations. Anyways thats my application!

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250 is on the rather low scale
post a picture of your job hours, its under ooc > tracked playtime or something like that

thanks I totally forgot that!

No clown hours

I have some questions:

1.- Can pirates murderbone?
2.- Can I become a dog as a player already in round?
3.- How to clean floors fast?
4.- How do I make the AI make honking noises on the announcements? I’ve heard them do hornks but when I do it it says the word out loud.
5.- What gimmicks can I do as a chef?

  1. What are the janitor bounties for cargo and how can I get them?
  2. Help a changeling has turned everyone into a felinid - what are some possible ways to fix their appearance back to normal or near normal?
  3. A rad storm has changed my gender, what are two ways to fix this?
  4. Three ways to unhusk a body?
  5. Medbay was completely blown up, and the engineers are smonking the devils rhubarb - what are two to three other locations that can be used or converted into a rudimentary back up medbay? Presume there is nothing salvagable.

I want in on these funny Mhelps so here I go

  1. How do I get plastic?
  2. How do I send people away for my contractor task?
  3. How can I heal a downed ashwalker that managed to get to the station as it appears they can’t breath O2.
  4. How does CQC work (asked as a chef)
  5. Hey I think the chemist is valid hunting me while we have a full sec staff.

How do you get an ATV key for the ATVs you find in Derelict Stations?

It’s mentor conduct to only ask 4 questions per application. That said, you’re not a mentor, so I don’t think it applies to you

Kinda low hours, but ill give you a shot if you answer good. (There will be follow up to your answers since mhelps are rarely just one response)

  1. How do i use the ventriloquist dummy?
  2. Where do i change my characters name?
  3. Does dead humans still count as humans on asimov?

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