Spockye Moderator Application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have):

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have):

How often are you online to help? (Timezone):
(GMT +1) I’m usually on a few hours a day, depending on work and school pressure.
when I have free time, I usually stay on Bee.

What changes, if any, would you bring?:
I don’t think I would bring much change, but there usually aren’t any moderators or admins on while i play, so I might be able to fill that timezone.

How old are you?:

Why do you want to be a moderator?:

I’m being threatened by the admins

I’ve been playing on bee for a while now, and I genuinely want to help out keeping Bee a fun server to play on. most people who play here are kind, and I want to make sure that it stays that way, in any way that I can.

How long have you been playing SS13?:
I made my account on 2020-08-13. I started playing on CM, then moved over to Fulp.

How long have you been playing BeeStation?:
I started playing bee for the first time on 2020-12-13. 2280h hours total, 1635 hours ingame, and 645 as ghost

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?:
game mechanic wise? probably 6-7. I don’t know much about engineering, nor do I fully understand things like atmos. I do have a pretty good grasp on sci, service, cargo and such though, and I’ve also spent a lot of time code diving, so I know about some more obscure things as well.

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an administrator? (this can include past games):
probably a 3. I’ve done some administrative work for other games and discord servers, and I know some of the admin tools from using private servers.

Have you ever been an admin or moderator on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
I did some administrative work for a gmod server a while back, and I’ve hosted a few smaller discord communities for other games

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:
I have no alt accounts

Your strengths:
I’m usually pretty calm, and through my work, I’ve gotten decent at listening, and being patient with people

Your weaknesses:
I’m pretty awful at organizing, and can quickly give up if things start falling apart

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
people who act superior can often get my blood boiling. I’m alright with being proven wrong, but when someone makes a big deal out of it I can get annoyed.

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?:
having patience, taking the time to listen and hear the full story / being good at painting a picture out of the information from the logs, and player point of view / treating people without bias, even if you know them.
What makes a staff team good?:
teamwork and good leadership. if either of these is lacking, then keeping a team afloat for a long time becomes impossible. it is also important to have good communication between the staff members

What is a staff team’s purpose?:
ensuring that everyone can enjoy their time on the server and that the rules and roleplay expectations are enforced. if someone decides to ruin others’ fun by breaking the rules, it’s the teams job to deal with them, so the round can continue smoothly

What kind of player are you?:
I’m first off a captain/RD main. I enjoy the thrill you can get from hectic rounds, and I love combat on ss13. I also love the Roleplay you can get out of this game, and adore the type of round where I can just talk with people for hours. a good example of my favourite type of round is the event Aeder held last week, where I sat inside an office, doing diplomacy with different factions, handling disputes and learning about the people and environment around me. I tend to play pretty dynamically, trying to match the roleplay level of the people around me. as an antag i can often go full monkeybrain, and act on instinct. (something I’m trying to stop doing)

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?:
I hope not to change too much, though I think I’d become a bit less problematic than I can be at certain points. i already observe a lot, so not much would change there

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?:
first, I’d check if he’s an antag in the player panel. if it’s a no, I’d ahelp the clown, and ask him why he did it. I’d also ahelp Hos at the same time (if he didn’t ahelp me) and listen to his side of the story.
in the scenario that the clown did this unprovoked, and with no good explanation to why I’d give him a note with severity depending on if he realises what he did was wrong or not.
if he has a record of similar actions, I would ask for fellow admin’s opinion (if there is any online) and give him a short ban. in any case, if possible I would find an IC way for the Hos to get his gun back
(subspace transmission with its estimated location / getting the clown to retrieve it for them.)

if there is a history between the hos and clown (arrested previously/ being rude to him) I’d tell him off spacing the gun, and get him to retrieve it. slipping and such is allowed by a clown, as they have more leeway, but spacing weaponry is over the top in my opinion.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that an admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?:

first off i’d send him to admin jail so he doesn’t do any more damage. I’d check when his account was made. I’d ask him why he did it, and check his notes, and records on other servers. if it’s a completely new account, and he doesn’t give me a godlike explanation as to why this happened I’d permaban them for suspicion of grief account, with the option to appeal in case i was wrong

there’s always the chance that another player tricked them into doing it, so I’d check his say log. if another more experienced player had made them do it, i’d ahelp them and ask why they told them to do it. non antag or not, getting a new player to cause things like this is in bad faith, and i would deal with them accordingly. (most likely a note if an antag, and a ban if non-antag)
if the new player had no idea that his actions would lead to this, i would give him a short ban/high severity note, and instruct him to read up on the rules

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:

most likely an IC issue, but i’d check what they were making to cause it. if they were making meth or such i wouldn’t act. if they were making bombs i would check for antag, and if they arent one, i would keep an eye on them in case they attempt to grief. if they are fairly new and seem confused in d-chat I’d send them a link to the chem wiki and tell them to mhelp if there’s something they don’t understand.

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I’m being threatened by the admins

I can 100% confirm this is the case.


Questions for you:

  1. During the round security officer kils a cultist in maintenance. He then complains, saying the officer shouldn’t have killed them and the shotgun to face wasn’t an appropriate at the time. How do you approach this situation?
  2. Medical doctor ahelps you that the chemist didn’t do his job and didn’t make chemicals he asked him to make. Do you anything? If so what?
  3. Traitor kills 3 medical dosctors in medbay. They complain. How do you handle this situation? What consitutes a “murderbone”?
  4. Botanist after long 2 hour shift prays to you “do something im bored lol”, what do you do? (assuming you are full administrator with fun priveleges)

honestly, watching you somehow manage a crew as captain without comms on lavaland is enough evidence anyone should need that you could control greytide #5 carrying around a plasma canister

first i’d check if the cult has reached halo’s or not if yes? IC issue. if not?

i’d confirm that the security officer full killed them, and that they didn’t deathgasp while in crit, i’d also check how known the cult is. if the cult hadn’t been found out yet, and they were at green alert, i’d ask the sec officer why he was walking around with a shotgun loaded with lethals in maintenance.
if the cult is know, it isn’t really against the rules, and an ic issue. at most i would pm the security officer, telling him that its preferred that they are arrested alive instead (then again, brig being lost / the cultist using lethals / no holywater/chaplain would make taking them alive very hard.

this would generally be a ic issue, but i would tell him that if he belives that the chemist isn’t doing his job, the cmo has grounds to fire them for dereliction of duty. i’d also check if the chemist is making anything at all, and check if he’s new to the job. if so i would send him a pm to help if he’s having trouble understanding his job.

(Murderboning is defined as the indiscriminate killing of multiple parties who are not a threat)

i’d first try to find out WHY the traitor killed them. if it was totally unprovoked, with him having no targets in medbay, it could fall under murderbone

if he didn’t attack unprovoked, or if (one of them was a target/ they were healing one of their targets) i would mark it as an IC issue. i would also dm the traitor(if he isnt’t busy) and ask for his side of the story.

if there was no logical reason for the traitor killing them, i would check their notes and bans for similar occurrences. if there are none, i would give a note, and tell them to read over the antagonist conduct, and consult other admins (if any are on) and give out a short ban/antag ban depending on their record.

(all of this is null if he has hijack/glorious death)

not sure i would do much for him (lazy prayer)
if anything i might give him a split personality or a imaginary friend, or whatever funny smite i can find

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Fair enough. I do personally see this is as information you will learn sooner or later while being mod simply due to how it is used to grief

I had nearly three plasmafloods in a row after I first was accepted as mod lmao

If you are interested in general atmos knowledge i am always open to teach

Edit: why did you reply to me, daridine…?

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I’m a fan of this application, and I’m willing to give a +1 especially as you have shown to be coolheaded before.

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Generally knowledgeable and competent player. +1

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Can confirm this aswell.

Very competent and nice person to interact with. I don’t remember having a bad interaction with you at all. You also have alot of hours and a decent note/ban history. I’ll vote after you answer my questions though, as you requested.

  1. A new player ahelps asking if this servers roleplay standard is more like paradises- or more like tgstations roleplay standard. How do you answer the ahelp and what do you tell him?

  2. You witness a traitor assistant murdering a scientist in toxins with a surgical saw. After another scientist comes in he murders them aswell. He heads into the science hallway afterwards and stumbles upon the RD and also murders him. The RD ahelps saying that the assistant was murderboning as he killed the two scientists for absolutely no reason. After checking the assistants traitor panel you notice that he has two steal objectives (reflective vest and teleport armor) and escape alive (no hjijack or martyr). How do you answer the bwoink? And what if anything do you do?

  3. You join the server and notice that it is war-ops. The round has been going on for around 18 minutes. After ghosting around a little you notice that the clown is space lubing the hallways which leads to alot of armed crewmembers slipping around among other things. Anything wrong with that? What if anything do you do?

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It’s not. You shouldn’t carry shotguns and blasting people on the green or blue alert. Unless cult is halo but that wasn’t implied.

This is purely IC but you can create snip…

Good answer. There also exists the possibility that the target was from that department, so the doctors may have been his colleagues (or targets themselves?).


Overall good answers +1

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  1. A well known player asks if you’ll help them learn your irl language, how do you respond?

  2. Someone spawns a million monkeys on the shuttle before eorg starts, theyve been doing it consistently every round they play. Would you do anything?

  3. Why havnt you helped me learn Swedish+?

  4. A clown uploads the law “Only bald people can ask you to do anything,” the AI interprets this as characters who are extremely negligent/dumb, would you do anything?

  5. The exploration team sets up a custom vendor selling loot from their missions to the station, this includes a stechkin and other syndicate gear but at a price that seems attainable to players, while also reasonable for the items in question. The explorers want to use the funds to buy non-lethal goodies from cargo. Thoughts?

  6. Its mid-round and there are no ghost spawns. Dchat is mildly bored and angsty as usual, would you make any ghost role spawns?

  7. Why havnt you played DCS in VR yet?

  8. Several lizard players consistently give each other genetic mutations and other mildly powerful items, ignoring other players trying to interact with them. These players RP with each other, but barely RP with other players. Is there a way to fix this? Is it a problem? What do you think?

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Time to rename us to apid station.
Im very happy to see this, and i only have 2 question.

  1. A tot with 2 steal objectives (hypo and sm shard) immediatly buys a sydicate bomb and chameleon kit
    After setting up a rather fashionable outfit they break into the bridge and set up the bomb, then call out the captain. The captain and the tot start talking/emoting. Moments after the hop rushes in and starts lethaling the tot. This eventually leads to the bomb being set of and a large part of the bridge aswell as parts of the main hallway being destroyed. The hop then ahelps that the tot is muderboning instead of doing objectives.
    What do you do?

  2. A certain moth player sees a certain wig wearing lizard and shouts “Foggets!”

Nvm theres a third
3 . A well known captain player ahelps they need to afk for a 20 minutes. You notice that they start moving shortly after, picking up random objects and hitting renault a few times, then wander into the hallways. They keep up this behavoir, bumbling about until they suddenly draw the saber and hit random bystanders. Not a single word on their part either.
Do you intervene? What do you do

Beestation is a “RP” server. you are expected to roleplay as your character, in a way that follows our rules, and keeps the round fun. you don’t have to go full out with Heavy roleplay if you don’t want to, but you are expected to roleplay more than they do on something like TG’s Lrp servers. i recommend observing for a round, and seeing how other people roleplay. though the more roleplay the better!

Crew inside a department in which you must complete an objective may be considered a threat and pre-emptively eliminated without provocation.
this would be a IC issue. the traitor had reason to kill the scientists(getting access to the department, and removing potential witnesses) i wouldn’t want to give away to the RD that he has to steal the teleport armour, so i would explain that what he did was within the rules but thank him for ahelping, and mark it an IC issue.

There is some leeway for clowns, 
but slipping security officers during Red/Delta Alert 
or during any dangerous situations will result in a ban.

the clown is allowed to pull pranks and such, but not in a way that endanger the crew. i would check his history for similar activity, and give a note if he is apologetic, and didn’t know. if he has a history of similar behaviour, i would give him a short ban. in any scenario i would tell him to read over the rules.
(this is void if he’s a antagonist)

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Very good answers. I‘ve got nothing more to say.

Would love to see how you do as a moderator. +1

(People not counting the votes together smh)

T: +4

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sure, I not really a teacher, but I can teach you some basics if you want

monkeys in themselves arent inherently dangerous, but they can cause a lot of problematic situations, especially on the emergency shuttle. a large amount of monkeys in a small location can also cause a lot of lag in itself. I can see how someone thinks it’s fun, but I would pm them and ask them not to do something like that on the shuttle, because of the previously stated reasons.

I don’t know Swedish ;( but I could teach you some Norwegian if you ask me, despite the heretical mistake you just made

the ai is supposed to take its laws literally, so I’d send it a pm as a reminder of this. I’d also pm the clown for uploading a very disruptive law. I wouldn’t want to disrupt the round too much, but I would maybe send a CC message about their sensors picking up… a weird law change, and recommend any current heads of staff to fix its laws.

I wouldn’t take any actions in this. as it’s up to the buyers if they buy or use it. exploration managing to get their hands on large amounts of syndicate gear is more a code issue, though security could take action on it for possession and sale of contraband.

(i’´ll take this as an admin with full perms)
if there’s nothing that requires my attention, and the round is relatively calm, i could set up the thunderdome if anyone wants to do anything there. if the crew has a station objective, and not much going on in the way of antagonism, i might send a Centcom inspector aswell to check on the stations progress

i have tried it, and i didn’t really enjoy it that much. the controls were janky and most buttons just didn’t seem to work. it was also very annoying not having hands in front of me, but instead just a model of my actual controllers. if you want a GOOD VR flying experience i would rather recommend Vtol VR. it might not be as detailed, or nearly as much content, but flying feels amazing. it also has a mp3 player, making it 1000% better

I’m not fully sure about what i should do in a situation like this. i can see why people form groups with others to roleplay, but fully ignoring others is a problem. i’d keep watch of them, and see if i can somehow encourage them to talk with other people in any way i can.

Succeeding as an antagonist is not the “goal” of SS13, the goal is for all players to have fun.
to me, it does sound like the traitor had a idea for a gimmick and went for it. in my opinion the traitor didn’t do anything wrong, seeing that the captain and traitor were taking the chance for some roleplay aswell. i’d more look into what led to the Hop running in and killing him. while this was taking place right next to him most likely, he is not security and shouldn’t be trying to arrest them, certainly not kill them when they KNOW that they have the captain and bridge as hostage.

a Certain Apid arrives, and punts the moth

first off i would freeze them, so no more harm is caused. i would then pm them, and ask them what they are doing. I’m guessing no response would be given.
i’d give the body away as a ghost roll, or a CC message about needing a replacement Captain if any other heads are present, and wait for a response.
if none are given, the logical course of action would be a explain on forums ban?
while this most likely was someone using his PC while they were out, they are still responsible for what their character does. if they appeal it, and with another person using the PC while they were out being the reasoning, i would most likely unban them, but give them a high severity note and remind them to never leave their PC with someone they cant trust NOT to mess with things.

(i remember a friend doing this to me on a gmod rp server :pensive: )

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  1. Very good. While the hop can defend theself and ian, hop curity is frowned upon, especialy if they skip straight to lethals
    Traitors may forsake their objectives for RP, but within reason. Risky/high colateral gimmicks should be vetted by an sdmin beforehand, people have tried to claim a desword rampage is a gimmick

  2. …mean! But yes sometimes what seems like a filterbypass is just a typo. (I triggeed the censor more often than id like to admit)

  3. Very good. Little siblings/relatives/bored friends are a danger to any technological devices left unatended.

Seeing the way this going, i cant wait to see you in #admin-er-… uhm as part of the staff team.
Time to make my Apid charakter!

T +4

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Good answers børk børk børk!

+1, glad to see this app


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Accepting at +5
Welcome to the hive