Sparky's Advanced Xenobiology Compendium

This guide assumes you already know the basic controls of xenobiology. How the console works, basic slime reactions, and the general labor of the job is for the wiki to teach you.

Part 1 - Roundstart Chores, and Speedrunning Rainbows.

As a xenobiologist, your ability to perform is directly linked to the number and variety of slime cores you have. The best way to get a lot of slime cores quickly is to repeatedly react rainbow slimes inside a construction known as a Blorble Square, so obtaining rainbow slimes should be a priority. We’re getting ahead of ourselves, though, so to start with just feed your slimes two monkies each.

While they’re breeding, run down to RND. Ideally the first research should be Industrial Engineering, since you have a shopping list. The things you want to pick up for lab upgrades are:

  • 1x Rapid Part Exchange Device, containing
  • 5x Advanced Matter Bins and 3x Nano Manipulators
  • 1x Toolbox, containing at the very least 1x Screwdriver, 1x Wrench, and 5x Cable Coils
  • 5x sheets of Iron, and 1x sheet of Glass
  • 1x Autolathe Circuit Board

All of these can be printed in, or picked up around, RND with industrial engineering researched. With your upgrades in hand, head back to xenobiology and check on your slimes. You’re going to want to select the highest mutation chance slime (35% is the max possible after one generation, so if you find one with 35% stop looking), and take it over to the nanites lab. Once there, give it nanites (Cloud ID doesn’t matter) and take it back to xenobiology. This is to ensure a stream of nanite research points for the rest of RND.

Now back in your lab, feed your high-chance slime, and an orange slime if you’ve got one (If you don’t have one, keep an eye out for later. You’ll need one.). Now, set to work. You’re going to want to upgrade your slime processor/monkey recycler and build your autolathe. Once that’s done, assemble your Blorble Square.

Blorble Squares

A Blorble Square is constructed of a locker (or windoor, if you’re fancy), your slime fridge, and two other dense objects. Options for dense objects include more lockers, your slime processor, and your autolathe, as well as the wall. Tables don’t count, so watch out for that. The downside to an inadequate Blorble Square is slime extracts going everywhere, so find a design that works and don’t sweat it too much.

On Blorble Square optimisation, you’re going to want to keep your fridge to the bottom or left. If you expect to need a LOT of slime extracts, moving your grinder to the corner adjacent to your locker is a good idea, since you can reach around closed lockers diagonally, allowing you to refill on plasma without leaving your Square.

With Blorble Square assembled, consult your slimes. If the orange slime has split into reds, great! If not, select for mutation chance and re-breed. With your high-chance grey, it’s your choice if you want to select for grey-ness or mutation chance first. Selecting for mutation chance might seem obvious once you have all four basic slimes, but there is a caveat. Branch-ending slimes cannot mutate into rainbows, so accidentally mutating into one can eat up a lot of time. It’s best to avoid this.

No matter what you select for, feed your slimes. You should now be running low on monkey cubes, but fortunately there is a solution. Select and kill five grey slimes (you’ll have plenty) and grind them up. This will, thanks to upgrades, yield ten grey slime extracts. If you recall from the wiki, grey slime extracts accept 1u of plasma to turn back into a slime. This means you can turn ten extracts into five slimes and fifteen cubes, and turn five slimes into ten extracts, profiting each time.

Once you get red slimes, breed a lineage of them and use their mutation potions to accelerate your highest mutation chance lineage. This can be your grey slimes, or occasionally your orange slimes. Simply mutate this lineage until they spontaneously become rainbow slimes. In order to fully utilize them, you will need three other crossbreeds.

Crossbreed Shopping List

1x Warping Grey
This requires one adult grey slime and ten bluespace extracts. It allows you to draw a rune on the floor which, when activated, turns 8 of any slime extract into 1 adult slime of that same color. Indispensable. The extract has a cooldown, but can sustain any number of runes simultaneously, so it can be advantageous to “pre-rune” the floor of the xenobiology lab in case you need a lot of slimes quickly.

1x Industrial Grey
This requires one adult grey slime and ten metal extracts. It allows you to inject any amount of plasma, and recieve 2.5x that many monkey cubes. Granted, the exact numbers are unimportant. This just makes the plasma-grey loop less important, and frees up time for other stuff.

1x Recurring Metal
This requires one adult metal slime and ten cerulean extracts. It allows you to turn 1 unit of plasma into 15 sheets of iron and 5 of plasteel, and regenerates uses over time. This is the most plasma-efficient production method available, as long as you use the autolathe to seperate them. It also makes roboticists love you.

Now that you have rainbows, it’s time to prepare them for the harvest. Feeding four slimes eight monkies at once will reliably produce fifteen offspring, of which you can trim fifteen. Feeding this singular slime ten monkies will cause it to split, as well as splitting all of its children, resulting in sixteen slimes again. This can be used to sustainably farm large quantities of rainbow slime extracts.

Rainbow slimes are unique, in that they have two reactions to plasma. Injecting 1u like you normally would will result in an adult, living slime of a random color. You’ll need to use your syringe to inject 5u. A full large beaker of plasma can react 20 rainbow slimes. Before reacting your slime extracts, grab an oxygen tank and drop it on the floor of the Blorble Square, then step inside and react away.

The reason we drop an oxygen tank is because once our bio bag is empty, we have to stand still for 10-20 seconds before we can start loading the extracts into a fridge. Clicking the floor with a bio bag doesn’t scoop up the slime extracts, and while you’re still on the tile they’ll build up beneath you. However, clicking on the oxygen tank does scoop up all slime extracts (as long as the bio bag is in the right mode) allowing you to load extracts while the Blorble Blorble’s are still reacting.

Now armed with an endless waterfall of slime extracts and all the tools you need to use and manipulate them we can move on to

Part 2 - Basic Extracts

This part of the guide will cover every little bit of minutia surrounding the use of basic extracts. Every obscure reaction, interaction, and technique will be detailed in full.

Having covered the plasma-grey loop in detail, the only thing left to note is that this extract can produce Epinephrine when injected with water. I don’t think I’ve ever, in my 1000 hour scientist career, used this reaction. But it’s there.

This extract has a handful of uses. For a start, the wiki says it produces a small plasmafire when injected with plasma. This fire is not small. However, if extinguished immediately it produces 25 mols of plasma gas (at absolute zero, for some reason). This can then be siphoned into a slow, but perpetual, source of plasma gas.

Orange slime extracts also have an interesting use against vines. Mixing 10 units of toxin from a nanomed plus and 90 units of water will produce a slurry, which when injected (two pumps, or 10u) into a slime extract creates a smoke cloud of weedkiller. This is unironically better at killing vines than the plasmafire.

Even some non-xenobiologists know that injecting blood into this produces the omnizine-equivilant Regenerative Jelly, since recurring purple extracts were a common gift to medical. Another use is the plasma reaction, producing a slime steroid that allows you to surgically extract more extracts. This really shines in ghetto, grinderless xenobiology, as you can’t simply upgrade the grinder to produce more instead.

Blue extracts can produce foam when injected with water, frost oil with plasma, and slime stabilizers with blood. The only note here is that, unlike a mutator, multiple stabilizers can be used in one generation, putting yet another nail in the coffin of Charged Blue crossbreeds.

The only even relatively obscure technique with these is that they can also produce glass if injected with water, but that’s right there on the wiki. They’re also the most efficient plasma production method available, at a 1:100 ratio instead of a 1:60 ratio as provided by dark purples. If you’re okay with the extra processing, this is viable.

According to some VERY OLD guides, the lights produced by injecting these extracts with water are immune to the light eater, but this should be taken with an industrial-sized container of salt. They are very mass-producible in case of a blackout, though. The EMP reaction is somewhat stymied by size, stopping any real applications outside of sabotage. The powercells are weak, but will keep the average APC running.

Dark Purple
Only likely to be useful if someone steals your autolathe, the autolathe outside science, and every other machine with a connection to the ore silo.

Dark Blue
Fireproofing potions are no joke, but they’re hardly obscure, and the supercooled N2 burst has limited applications.

This can make some very dangerous food if you’re willing to throw enough extracts at it (Hell Water and Gorilla cubes are some good examples, though RIP gatfruit)

Bluespace Floor Tiles are useful, both in general and in traps. People moving fast on these tiles usually can’t react to a trap suddenly appearing out of nowhere ahead of them. Also notable, the bluespace crystals produced by this extract are done so in ore form, and can be used to redeem infinite mining points with enough extracts. Do with that what you will.

Slowing floor tiles are cool, but everyone’s here for timestop. Did you know if you teleport someone out of timestop, like with a bluespace launchpad or holoparasite, they stay timestopped? Do with that what you will.

Cerulean slimes are mostly useful for crossbreeds, but the blueprints are, well, blueprints. For those that don’t know, holding blueprints in your off hand while hacking a device shows you what every wire does. For any hackable device in the game. Do with that what you will.

I personally do not understand paint. Do you- do you need like, a brush? I mean, the random crayon might be useful, you can disguise some items by tossing them in a washing machine with a particular crayon, so you can disguise combat gloves as insulated or black gloves. Do with that what you will.

Speed potion actually only takes away half the slowdown of an item, you want stable red to completely remove it. The frenzy effect is useful for creating easy-to-contain and inconspicuous death chambers, since the slime console can stack tens of slimes on a given tile. Teleporting someone in there is practically inescapable instant death irrespective of gear, with the exception of an exceptionally quick-reacting ninja or wizard with a teleport charged.

All kinds of mutation toxin will purge any outside influence upon transforming, including implants, xenomorph babies, romerol tumors, permenant brain damage, organ damage, or anything else really. Clean slate.

Gender changing potions are good trans healthcare, and can be fun for RP. Docility potions can be useful for dragging bluespace slimes around, since regenerative bluespace extracts snap you back to where the extract was made, and a docile bluespace slime won’t try and kill people as you drag it to where it needs to be.

The list of spawnable mobs on the wiki is older than lavaland, and not to be trusted. That said, gold slimes do have some non-hostile uses. Primarily, if activated between two shield gens, it gibs any mob that spawns, allowing you to easily farm bones, watcher sinew, diamonds, planks, crates, Wombarian Fugu glands, varying types of meat, and sonic jackhammers for reasons unknown.

It explodes. It can also make corn oil, which is primarily useful for making the best explosive in the game (citation needed).

Advanced mutation toxin is a terrifying weapon, but can also be used for several rare mutation toxins. Among these are things like plasmaman mutation toxin and skeleton mutation toxin. Check the wiki.

Light Pink
Renaming potions are fucking cracked. They are, no holds barred, on par with a changeling’s abilities for comm misdirection or infiltration. They don’t help you change your appearance, but that’s what mutation toxins are for. Also, sentience potions work on some weird shit, like clones of dead dragons and the cat surgeon.

Adamantine is useful for two things, golems and cargo. Some golems are uniquely useful.

Golem Sidebar

Sand golems are completely immune to bullets, and since nukies are unlikely to have laser weapons, one or two sand golems with pilfered melee weapons can be just the force multiplier the station needs to scupper any operative attack.

Glass golems are the same but for lasers, including the pulses fired by death squad members. Assuming they don’t remember their revolver, it’s not unlikely that a death squaddie will just kill themselves on a glass golem’s reflective skin, and now you have a pulse rifle. No guarantees about security, they’re as likely to stunbaton or tonfa you as they are to just ?shotgun.

Fully augmented diamond golems take it a step further by simply being immune to weaponry of all stripes with their massive armor and damage reduction. A not insignificant number of things simply… do not damage them at all, and what little does is pitifully weak.

Plastitanium golems can walk onto lava, which lets you hide corpses, burn evidence, and use Chilling Bluespace to kill the whole station. Granted, you can also do this with wings.

Rainbow slimes can create mind transfer potions. These are typically not worth the permanent shedding of your mortal form, but if you happen across a soulless headspider or aforementioned dead dragon clone, it’s free real estate. They can also be used as absurdist bombs, by injecting them with ground up slime extract they burst into random, active, slime extracts. Enjoy all the benefits of the above section, at the cost of getting a live oil extract tossed at you. They can also spawn a flight potion, but the dark purple crossbreed is easier to get this anyway.

Part 3 - Crossbreeds (The Good Stuff)

As a foreword, I recommend even non-xenobiologists read this section. Some of these crossbreeds are useful to random crew, and… please, I just want requests. I want people to ask for things. Please? Pretty please? You can even skip the reproductive section, I’ll pay you, please. Just- please.

Reproductive - Grey
As a whole, not useful, but can be useful as a reliable source of crossbreeds. If you’re planning on making 20 stable ceruleans, 4 reproductive blues can be faster and cheaper than doing 200 rainbow reactions.

Burning - Orange
Burning Metal makes walls a suggestion, breaking down any that are directly adjacent to you. Yes, it works on reinforced walls. Four can kill the AI on most maps, assuming you can deal with the turrets, but it also works for… well, anything where walls are a problem.
Burning Yellow is practically a warcrime, stunning anyone that’s not insulated within five tiles for like, 15 seconds. No channel or anything, just- fuck em.
Burning Green is similar to burning metal, in that it makes access a suggestion. It gives you a low-damage armblade in one arm, with the added benefit of being able to pry open doors like a jaws of life. Ideally, you pry into engineering, print some jaws, and then cut your arm off to get rid of it, but it can be nice to have around.
Burning Black is kind of the ultimate “walls are a suggestion” extract, allowing you to turn into a slime with all your shit still attached. Ventcrawl onto bridge and shitpost about the captain! Ventcrawl into the armory and steal the entire thing! Ventcrawl into engineering and directly into the supermatter! The possibilities are endless. Just bring a second one to get back with, it is single use.
Burning Rainbow makes a cool knife. That’s it.

Regenerative - Purple
Regenerative Grey is mostly here as a stand-in for all regenerative extracts, since they’re all absurdly useful. If you have a bunch of spare adult slimes, you can never go wrong with turning them into regeneratives.
Regenerative Metal works best in combination with Stabilised Rainbow, since being inside a locker can keep you safe if you’re surrounded by simplemobs.
Regenerative Dark Purple makes clothes on someone if they’re missing any. Nice for disguises, helping recent clones, or just showing off.
Regenerative Bluespace is an emergency teleport, dragging you to where the extract was formed on use. It’s not the strongest melee weapon in the game like it used to be, but can be used to send people to slime based death chambers, or in combination with stabilised rainbow to pull you out of a deadly situation.
Regenerative Cerulean is just two of them. It’s just two-use. Not much else to say.
Regenerative Black makes a copy of the target, which then dies. Works on simplemobs. The possibilities are literally endless. Make a copy of a living IPC so a dead one can get a new chassis! Make a copy of a space dragon, and then mindswap into it! Make a copy of the captain and fake their changeling status! This extract is as powerful as the wielder.
Regenerative Light Pink is similar to cerulean, in that it heals both you and the target. Useful for battle medics or blob fights.

Stabilized - Blue
hoo boy here we go
Stabilized Purple is slow regeneration on par with nanites.
Stabilized Blue is noslips. Useful in combination with consuming blue, or with a H2O flood.
Stabilized Metal can be used to duplicate rare materials like runic metal or brass, or more common ones in case of a shortage. It can’t do TC, don’t try.
Stabilized Yellow recharges battery powered items on your person. Before you ask, yes laser guns.
Stabilized Sepia will randomly shift your speed up and down, like the arrhythmic knife. Useful in combination with stablised light pink, since they stack, and when they’re both working your speed will never drop below normal.
Stabilized Cerulean is another extract that’s as powerful as you make it. It forms a copy of you, that will take your soul when you die. It’s useful if you’re doing something dangerous (which is always). You can also put it in the pocket of a body, no matter how fucked, to revive them as if cloned. This’ll also clear out any brain tomfuckery, so if you put a human head on an IPC body, you can revive them like this and they’ll be a full IPC with a posibrain.
Stabilized Red removes all equipment slowdown with the notable exception of Adamantine Armor. This is all slowdown from equipment, including hardsuits, guns, duffel bags, clown shoes, pretty much anything.
Stabilized Pink allows you to walk among any kind of angry beastie as long as they don’t get hurt around you. Except swarmers, for some reason.
Stabilized Gold summons an immortal Friend. They can’t die, but they also can’t hurt or break anything. There are still utility uses, though. Parrots carry random headsets, which can be pilfered for encryption keys. Cows can be milked for healing if you’re a skeleton or virus food if you’re mischievous, and there’s a bunch of other little things I don’t know about yet.
Stabilized Light Pink is literally made for paramedics. It speeds you up, pacifies you, and makes it so you automatically inject Epinephrine into anyone in crit around you. In combination with Stabilised Sepia, it makes you extremely fast, and nullifies the downside of that extract.
Stabilized Rainbow will take a regenerative extract, and dose you with it when you fall into crit. Make a copy of yourself? Teleport away? Become immortal for 10 seconds? Really, this is very strong, and since stable extracts don’t activate within boxes you can queue multiple of them and shift around your inventory between lives.

Industrial - Metal
Industrial Grey is the cube factory. You should already know about this one, but necromancy chaplains, hungry chefs, or cargo could get some use out of it.
Industrial Orange makes some fancy zippo lighters. They’re not actually very useful, but they make great birthday gifts for smokers.
Industrial Purple produces what are functionally oozeling-safe omnizine medipens. They’re quite potent, and absolutely brainless to use, making them good for handing out.
Industrial Silver can be used to tear through food very quickly to look for rare or exotic foods.
Industrial Pyrite might not be useful if it only makes normal spraycans, but if it works like Gentle Pyrite it can make slippery spraycans (sprayed tiles are lubed, can be sprayed into a beaker for space lube and laughter) silent spraycans (that can be sprayed into a beaker for Nothing and mute toxin) or hellcans (that catch sprayed people on fire and can be sprayed into a beaker for far too much chlorine triflouride)
Industrial Gold makes money. Diamond coins are the most worth it, but all of them technically have value. More of a flex than anything.
Industrial Black makes some cool healing cigs. Make a great bundle with the zippos.
Industrial Light Pink makes heart shaped boxes of chocolate that you might recognize from the valentines day events. They make good gifts.

Charged - Yellow
Charged Yellow makes a much more powerful hypercharged self-charging cell. This is the one you should be using, even if regular cells are much more available.
Charged Dark Blue produces a pressureproofing potion. Apply to a helmet and exosuit, any helmet and exosuit, to make them spaceworthy. Kind of the antithesis to Stabilized Red.
Charged Pyrite makes bananium. That’s right clowns, science could’ve made you a HONK mech this entire time!
Charged Red creates a lavaproofing potion. Yes. Lavaproofing. An exosuit and helmet is enough to protect you, but you’ll probably also want fireproofing on that.
Charged Pink creates a love potion. It makes animals docile towards you, and makes humans heal around you. It does not give them a brainwash to protect you, but they probably don’t know that unless they also read this guide, so that’s abusable.
Charged Light Pink produces a pacification potion. It pacifies people via brain trauma. Useful for enemies.

Sustaining - Dark Purple
Sustaining Rainbow is literally the only useful one, letting you get around the need for uranium and holy water in order to make flight potions.

Chilling - Dark Blue
Chilling Blue makes an infinite use breath mask. It actually gives you the BREATHLESS trait, which allows you to survive ARDS viruses (citation needed)
Chilling Metal is the ultimate “GET OFF ME” tool. It surrounds you with Unbreakable walls. It can also be used to block doors, but there are better tools for that.
Chilling Bluespace can tap against people to add them to a list. When you activate it, it drags the entire list to you, assuming they don’t resist. You can use it to bring people along with you when you teleport places, or just pull the entire station into lava.
Chilling Sepia can also tap against people, but instead of pulling them to you, it makes them immune to a 30 second timestop. This is, without mincing words, instant death for any enemies caught in the blast.
Chilling Cerulean makes a copy of yourself that you can puppet for about 30 seconds. This has one application that comes to mind outside of scouting out teleporters, and that’s a combo with Warping Rainbow.
Chilling Pyrite makes nightmares cry.
Chilling Gold makes a pokeball. Unironically. It’s a pokeball, I don’t know what you want from me.
Chilling Light Pink makes a cool flower that pacifies anyone that wears it.
Chilling Rainbow locks every door in the area, unbreakably, for 10 seconds. Spam 7 of them to buy time during a cult summon, or something.

Consuming - Silver
Consuming Blue leaves a trail of water behind you as you walk, and makes you immune to slipping on it for as long as the cookie lasts. Combined with stable blue so you don’t instantly slip at the end, this is brutal.
Consuming Yellow insulates you for 30 seconds. Useful if you don’t have another way to get that.
Consuming Bluespace teleports you somewhere random within the current room. This is good to lose security in hallways, or to tracelessly break into places by crawling under plastic flaps and then eating a cookie while technically inside.

Warping - Bluespace
Warping Grey is one of those fundamental extracts that you should always have. Since the cooldown is per-extract and not per-person, you can make multiple of this or any other extract to bypass them.
Warping Orange summons a lit bonfire when invoked. This can be useful for flame chaplains, or you can put out the fire and dismantle the bonfire for infinite logs. You can also grill things on them with an iron rod.
Warping Metal conjures a 3x3 block of invisible walls for the duration. You can step out of walls, but not into them, and anyone standing directly on the rune will be trapped for the duration. Funny to stack 30 of them outside of security and then slowly shuffle back, activating them as you go.
Warping Dark Purple turns plasma into other things. While diamonds and bluespace crystals are obtainable other ways, this can be the only way to get things like titanium or uranium on a minerless station.
Warping Bluespace creates a rune outside of spacetime that can store things. All runes share the same inventory, and retain it even when none exist. You can hide the nuke disk in it, or teleport into the armory and put every gun in it, or use it to quickly transport things across the station.
Warping Sepia is a timestop mine. Notably, it can be triggered by incorporeal beings like revenants, allowing them to Be Funny. Using this to trap people in non-obviously dangerous areas is a good use.
Warping Gold will exchange valuable items put on it for… toys, mostly. Sometimes it does other stuff, but not often. You can get cat surgeons out of this. A word of warning, the kilt is cursed, and will bind to your hand if you pick it up.
Warping Oil is a mine. It will never breach the hull, and like all warping runes can be placed under closed doors without opening them. It’s approximately the funniest traitor gimmick I’ve ever done.
Warping Black is the brain scruncher, or the round removal machine. Anybody you put on it becomes a shade, and therefore unrevivable. Why is this in the game?
Warping Rainbow is possibly the most NUANCED extract on the list. It takes you to a room on the centcom Z level, which all rainbow runes link to. Leaving this room takes you to any random rainbow rune anywhere on the station, or just dumps you randomly if there isn’t one. You can use it to fast travel anywhere there’s a rune by repeatedly entering and exiting the rune. You can use it to phase through doors by putting a rune under a door and going until you’re on top of the door. You can use it to bunker down outside of reality alongside Chilling Cerulean, by going through with a bluespace crystal and using it to erase the rune, then dying.

Recurring - Cerulean
Recurring Grey can be used for infinite monkey cubes. Really easily.
Recurring Purple is useful to doctors, as it’s an infinite source of budget omnizine powered by your own blood.
Recurring Metal is the most efficient plasma source in the game, and makes roboticists throw themselves at you. It’s another must-have.
Recurring Sepia is a reusable timestop grenade that teleports itself back to your hand after it goes off. Do I even need to explain.

Prismatic - Pyrite
These are mostly glorified paintbrushes. I love them to bits, but they’re definitively the red-headed stepchild of xenobiology. However, they’re fun little trinkets for mischief people of all stripes.

Gentle - Pink
Gentle Bluespace gives you the ability to teleport around with the minor activation, and the major activation lets you anchor a spot and snap back there at any time with a short channel. It’s an almost unrivaled level of mobility.
Gentle Sepia gives you timestop. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not minimizing, that’s what it does. The major activation stops time around you, but you retain movement. It’s hampered by a long cooldown, but there’s nothing stopping you just making twelve and comboing someone to death. What the fuck even is this.
Gentle Pyrite spawns spraycans. See Industrial Pyrite for the benefits of this.
Gentle Pink temporarily pacifies creatures around you. I’ve never seen it, I’ve never seen anyone use it, but it might be helpful. Good for miners getting jumped.
Gentle Oil gives you the ability to make a puddle of PERMANENT LUBE beneath you. It can be cleaned manually, but it never automatically dries or goes away like normal lube. Even the crowbar trick doesn’t work.
Gentle Black turns you into a shadowperson with the major activation. Good for chaplains that want to go shadow sect without spending three years making shadowperson mutation toxin.

Transformative - Black
Transformative Bluespace lets your sentient slimes teleport around.
Transformative Cerulean is actually really good if you’re trying to get a large number of extracts very very quickly, since it turns your slimes into more traditional doublers.
Transformative Pink lets sentient slimes speak common. It’s very good if some maniac got loose with advanced mutation toxin, or there’s a pyroclastic anomaly slime about.
Transformative Light Pink can add a given slime, and all its offspring, to the ghost role menu. This can get out of hand very quickly.
Transformative Adamantine makes slimes take 50% damage from most attacks, which can combine with their healing from heat to make them a formidable foe on lavaland. Two or three might even slay an Ash Drake.

Crystalline - Adamantine
Crystalline Orange lights anyone who gets too close on fire. Slipping people into range of this, or stunning them with a Warping Sepia, is a good area denial tool.
Crystalline Purple slowly heals everyone in the area. Put one in medical. Just do it.
Crystalline Blue rapidly restores the air in an area to a standard 79/21 nitrogen oxygen mix. This can be harvested for quick, easy oxygen or used to fend off a plasmafire or N2O flood.
Crystalline Silver roughly doubles plant growth speed in the nearby area. Take one to botany, and watch them be impressed.
Crystalline Bluespace acts as a proper teleportation beacon, working like a cult’s teleport rune and being able to take people from pylon to pylon. Rare to see more than two, but nice to have.
Crystalline Sepia suspends the effects of critical condition while nearby. Crit people can walk, talk, use radios, and treat themselves, and will stop taking damage. Leaving the area will result in you dropping back into normal crit, though.
Crystalline Oil will permenantly lube any tile within the area. Good look breaking that.
Crystalline Rainbow can stack multiple extracts within one area.

that’s it. 32000 characters (the post limit for discourse) of distilled scientist knowledge. 1000 hours of experience.

this won’t be my final guide, I’m sure. things will keep changing. i just hope I’ll see some of you around the lab in future. i hope people will ask for things once more. i hope when, one day, i finally fade from this game, my knowledge won’t go with me.

but that’s not happening for a while yet. see you all around
-Sparky, and her player.


When it comes to the fridge, you can do all of Xenobio without it. Every slime extract ejected from it will have their own position on the tile respective of its type. This means you can set your xenobio bag to pick up all of one type and then “snipe” the extract you want. If you get more than you wanted you can dispose of the rest into the fridge.

I find this to be very comfortable instead od having 20+ lines of text to read through to find the one I want.

Also worth noting, if you ask the QM, an Engineer or even an Engineering silicon, they can supply you with an ore silo linked ORM. Allowing you to directly contribute to the station resources, extract from them and gauge how much there is.

This is ridiculously long

God, you are such a nerd. :heart:

time to axe xenobio

1 Like

Can you use them with dead mobs or you have to use the rare injector first?

Well that’s good to know, never going to use dark purples again

That would have been good to know in revolutions

Anything that does not share the “boss” faction aka megafauna and tumour eiltes but you would need a lazure injector to get something like copy of a morph or dragon (though headspiders must be cloned before they lay eggs in a host so the corpse has em too)

oh wait
DON’T do this
as far as I know, it does put the slimes in the spawner menu but ghosts are unable to take them

How does a blorble square look in game

This is an archetypal one on metastation. Note the grinder being placed diagonally to the standing position so it can be accessed without opening the locker, and the oxygen tank being offset as close as possible to the fridge (you might have to pick up and drop it a couple of times until you get the right offset)