SomethingIsWrong banned by WhyIsCaeciliusTaken



MRP only ban

happened on Sage

Temporary Ban

Lasts for 3 days

happened on 6/10/2020

round id: 17037

Banned for beating a person to death for using superpowers

Reason for appeal: I confused that person with the devil because they were using superpowers

Additional Information: I am not that experienced with the devil game mode

ok fair.

@GameAdmin Gimme opinions soo I can LIFT

I’d say if it was a first offence to lift it.

Do it
20 gang 20 gang

yea i dont see ANYTHINGwrong whit lifting this ban

Unbeaned. Have a nice day.

I love seeing an ban appeal like this and not one thats like “oh boy oh boy I plasmaflooded the station for shits and giggles but yeah unbean”

if he killed someone who signed a devil contact this is a false ban in the first place as they are valid

They are not valid and if you kill someone for signing a devil contract you will be banned unless said individual uses their powers to help the devil and/or self antag.

Ive asked like 80 admins and some say that and some say there was a council ruling making signers valid

The devil game mode is broken.
He wins by getting contracts, therefore if you sign a contract you’re helping an antag win. How does that not make you valid / self antagging?


thats what I brought up

I have a ban for submitting to a person so said they were gonna brain wash me which I would see equivalent to signing a devil contract. submitting to a known antag.

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