Soliito banned for arresting heretic

Title: soliito banned by szczebrzeszyn

Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
2024-05-25 21:52:53
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
“As Head of Security arrested Heretic without stating the reason of the arrest for being an Enemy of the corporation. DCed and ticket disappeared. Expain on the forums.”
Appeal Reason:
According to the wikis page of space law, for a person to be considered a “enemy of the corporation”, the person must be a member of the wizard federation, a cult, the syndicate, etc. as the heretic was clearly wearing cult robes, and was in a room with runes, it was very clear the person was with a cult. now granted i did try to arrest them without any other form of proof other than “they look like a cultist”, but they did proceed to use magic to try and resist arrest, thus it was very clear they were a cultist. As for the second individual, it was the end of the round and the shuttle was about to depart. While it was clear that the individual was a heretic, i considered i had “no time” to get them a prisoner ID or even state the crime.
Additional Information:

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Worth noting that there is a difference in the attire and runes of a cult in comparison to a heretic, security staff, especially the head of security, should be able to make this distinction to appropriately apply spacelaw.

i see, well i kinda was none the wiser, thinking it was like, synonyms (since i dont think i seen a cultist, key word, i dont think i did)

Are you implying that as HoS you cannot distinguish between a heretic and a blood cultist?

i mean, i saw runes that looked like those that heretics used

Okay, taking your appeal and responses in it into account, I can assume it was a mistake. I will lift le ban.
Do consider playing Security Officer more to be more familiarized with the threats on the station while having someone watching over your shoulder in case you make such a mistake.
Appeal accepted.

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