Title: soliito banned by szczebrzeszyn
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
2024-05-25 21:52:53
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
“As Head of Security arrested Heretic without stating the reason of the arrest for being an Enemy of the corporation. DCed and ticket disappeared. Expain on the forums.”
Appeal Reason:
According to the wikis page of space law, for a person to be considered a “enemy of the corporation”, the person must be a member of the wizard federation, a cult, the syndicate, etc. as the heretic was clearly wearing cult robes, and was in a room with runes, it was very clear the person was with a cult. now granted i did try to arrest them without any other form of proof other than “they look like a cultist”, but they did proceed to use magic to try and resist arrest, thus it was very clear they were a cultist. As for the second individual, it was the end of the round and the shuttle was about to depart. While it was clear that the individual was a heretic, i considered i had “no time” to get them a prisoner ID or even state the crime.
Additional Information: