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Which server did the ban happen on? LRP
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: 1 week
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 03/07/2021
Round ID: 27684
Ban Reason: “Broke into captain’s office, disarmed the captain, shot them. The fight escalated to lethals. Stop acting like an antagonist.”
Appeal Reason: Yes this is true, i did shoot and break into captains quarter, she tried to arrest me so i pie him and pick the e-gun, next time she comes again with a disabler/e-gun and i shoot back disable shoots, soon she uses her antique gun so i blasted lethals back.
Additional Information: Its done on lrp alot and i see people rarely ever get banned about it. this is bullshit.
You break into captain’s office, you become valid. The captain tries to arrest you, you disarm them.
You are now an armed and dangerous valid. They try to arrest you with another disabler, you shoot back. Under space law they are allowed to use lethals on you due to the nature of stamina combat.
No. I refuse to lift this. Don’t break into the captain’s office for AA. Don’t attack the captain to get AA. Don’t act like an antagonist.
No and you know there are more options at your disposal that don’t involve killing the captain. Initiation of a conflict with the captain that results in the captain’s death is self-antag.
You are valid for breaking into captain’s quarters and that’s a risk you take as a non-antagonist. If you get caught, it’s on you. You can delay the captain from killing you via any number of means, but the situation as described comes off entirely as valid-baiting - you created the situation and forced the captain into lethals so you could lethal them back instead of simply trying to get away.
Get some slips, bolas or otherwise to keep yourself alive if they continue to pursue you, or perhaps don’t make yourself valid in the first place.