goon vampires are dope
replace water with dieth in the minor botanical dispenser.
(yes, you get it with a femto manip, but you also get it with a regular dispenser on roundstart. this single change will make rushing tech storage unnecessary)
fucking fix the TTVs they still have the old tgui inerface when you use them in hand but open the new one when you click on them as ghost, how hard can this be to fix
chemist dispenser doesnt get diethlyamine roundstart you need femto manip
Make felinids thinks rats and mice are good to eat
you can make a recipe for it roundstart you mucus yolk.
Thew new ghost gui is a bit annoying, I’d rather have all the names under each other instead of next to each other, but other than that it’s pretty great.
idk i love new ghost gui
Difference beetwen soft and hard crits visible on health status(different colours maybe?). I’m tired of accidentally killing myself by whispering.
See the white border? It shows you when you are in hardcrit
Oh okay I’m just stupid nevermind
yeah, the white border usually it when you’re in hardcrit. also, when you’re no longer able to crawl, you’re in hardcrit. but, yeah, it could be more well defined
Provide a difficult threshold that makes the water sweat out by hyperperspiration holy or something because viro can’t do anything whatsoever against cult but can help them in like 30000 different ways so plox let me have justification for releasing plagues more often.
yeah I wish that was a thing for AI cams. I get told to track some random name only to find there are 3 other people with the same first name and he isn’t one of them
Have everyone start with maint access.
Makes HoP’s job easier, instead of waking up with 10 people all begging for maints access.
most jobs dont need it and HOP Basically useless if everyone starts with maint access
We should add ratatouille. A dish from, you guessed it. Ratatouille.
It requires 2 eggplants, 2 Tomatoes, 2 Zucchini’s(If that even exists)
a onion, a garlic, salt and pepper(ofcourse).
If you make this, you will get a tray of the Ratatouille, not a plate of Ratatouille.
You need to scoop some of it and place it to a empty plate to get a plate of Ratatouille like you see in the movies.
This is a ratatouille.
Favorite dish made from ra- I mean little chef.
You take a bite from Ratatouille.
Tastes like home.
Hard Working Trait. Costs 4. Start with an objective roundstart, as if you midround joined.
cargo to have an id machine like heads so you can recruit people into cargonia