Shuttle making space exploration departament im working on /video /

my great procrastination project :flushed:


shuttle ruined it in the vid but it looks like this

maybe i will remove raven

2200 characters


Nissan 690000 characters

Feels a bit too compact, and I think you need to add more walls.

Do you know how much detail you can fit in a tile, walls take way too much space

Also it’s compact because of budget cuts to buy laser turrets

You can fit over 100,000 spessmen in a single tile.

Looks absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing!

i lkve your mini station things!

tho I feel like you kinda overused the sparkles this time

thank you guys, also once you start adding sparkles you just keep going :flushed: hard to stop

yeah they were fine except the one room with all the sleepers and stuff

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