Title: Sflash Banned by Admin brotherhangyul
CKEY: Sflash
Admin’s CKEY: brotherhangyul
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Sage
Ban Type:Temporary
Ban Length: 1 Day
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-10-07 19:36
Round ID: 22317
Ban Reason: Killed innocent. Jumped in during a security chase and decided to hardcrit him, resulting in said person bleeding out and dying
Appeal Reason: i think this is unjust ban normally if i get ban i usually deserve it but this time i dont think i deserved it. I already said i was sorry and mistook that person as antag which went to crit was not just punched by me but 3 people at least. And the why i did this act was because it was changeling round and security officer and other staff members was trying to catch him. i would like to get explanation for this ban and would like it to get removed. if i wanted him death i could do this act a lot of worse way instead of punching but in this case i didnt aim for that and i was aiming to help him. Lastly i dont think it is my fault he died. Because the security person who took this crit guy didnt even heal him or medical stuff who was beating him.
Additional Information: I was not actually aiming for trolling i just wanted to help people chasing him. Sorry again. I think this case need more looking i dont know why i am the banned person here.
Last Edit: if you look into log of this game i actually tried to save persons i can see from n2o flood.
Last Last Edit: if i knew that no one was going to heal him. i would do that . But security took him away.