Service Borgo Beaker Holder

Medical Cyborgs/Androids have beaker holders, yet they do not serve drinks (They kinda can, due to them having the beaker holder, which gives them access to chem dispensers, etc). I just wonder, why service cyborgs doesn’t have a beaker holder. If Service cyborg module had it, then it could make more types of drinks. This change can make that cyborg module even better, in my opinion. What is your opinion on this suggestion?

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I like the idea of a service borg that can dispense bartender drinks. Would still need a bartender to stock them up with several of them though

Bartender is already one of my favorite roles to see filled.

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Service borgs can produce bartender drinks… they have a cup machine and an inbuilt bar-chem machine.
Demi boy is probbably talking about making a drink with non-barry chemicals like welding fuel and enzymes for a drink like the bachuss blessing.

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Shows how many service borgs I’ve seen. Makes sense as well

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Yes, this is what i kinda meant. Drinks like Quadruple Sec, Sugar Rush and many others that Service borg is not able to do. Beaker storage, (or beaker holder. Sorry i do not remember what was it called properly) can interact with grinders, chem dispensers and booze dispensers but medical borg has it and i was wondering why medical borgo only had it.