Serket banned by Winterdarkraven

Yeah velvet said the same in the above thread, but since he wasn’t banned I assume he was just noted? If that’s the case I don’t see why I deserve more punishment then he received.

Ahhhh nice, a happy ending at least, but I still would like it noted that the hos refused to let me repair you even if you where relinked. Which I think makes it clear he killed out of spite rather than any confusion.

Yeah I know :stuck_out_tongue:
I believe the HoS might have just barely dodged a ban there under the circumstances, the next time he does something similar will probably not be so lenient.

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He doged a ban that landed on the super dooper cool Irish hackerman, a very sad day indeed.


dude, you’re irish? then this should be made into a permaban


I am currently calling the IRA to your house to slap you and call you names. You wont be able to get rid of the smell of Guinness for weeks.

Second opinion given. Don’t repeat this behaviour. The suspension expires today.

If he does anything.