Sergei Koralev Staff Feedback Thread

This is the feedback thread for our Administrator @sergeikoralev .

Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.

This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.

You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.

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This is where you tell Vexy exactly where the bad NSV man touched your database entry.

Nsvman bad!!! :angry:

on a serious note, has been good from my experience.

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Writes ones of the best ban reasons.
I rate your admin performance 1 out of 1 in a scale from 0 to 1.

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Not a fan. Bwoinked me for mutating plants/trait collecting as a Botanist because “powergaming”. Also left a note regarding me possibly validhunting, despite him begrudgingly admitting that he has no proof for that.



Needs to lighten up a little if you ask me.

This guy’s name sounds like a russian, Also i think i remember you being a security pod pilot when i played paradise

Seems like the only admin who gives a shit about backlogged player reports. 10/10 3rd best admeme

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