Self salad sec ling player report

The current standard is that you cannot be banned for it, but an admin is allowed to take action against you, up to and including creating fully fledged antagonists with the sole objective of eliminating you for your “betrayal”.

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Me on my way to create protocol order sixty-six:

And when there are no admins? The server just has to deal?

Wizard being helpful or just neutral makes sense rp wise because sometimes they’re obj’s are literally just “take a slime core” or something other than that is 100% okay RP wise to not kill everyone for. On the other hand, a TRAITOR should not be helpful, an IAA is an enemy of the station because they can and will harm people other than the bad person, and thus cannot be helpful. Same with ling, your job is to hurt people. Stop trying to do otherwise. Heretic is debatable, I’ve only had one round with heretics

I don’t get why it’s ok for a ling to hunt other lings, but not OK for a culti to expose cult, or for a rev to out revheads, or for a Incursionist to out incursion so that he survives.

Lings can freely hunt other lings since absorbing them boosts their own powers, the issue here is that the ling was only doing it to out them to security instead of doing it to absorb them.

Changelings are no longer a team antagonist.

The other antagonists you listed are team antags, and are expected to cooperate.

It has been policy on Bee that lone antagonists don’t have an obligation to complete their objectives. Roll Traitor and simply want to lurk in maint abducting people to brainwash? That’s fine. Roll ling and want to use the regenerative powers to survive exploring space? That’s fine.

If you’re a traitor, you can kill other traitors for their telecrystals to boost your own. That’s a bit mean, but allowed.

What’s under discussion here is a player seeming to go out of their way to ruin the round for other antags, in a way that breaks immersion and RP (confirmed enemy of the corporation working with security). It didn’t give them any benefit, since they didn’t bother to complete their objectives.


this has happened before, I cant remember but I know a few months ago lings where on the reg. doing exactly what the OPs report is about

and it was really shit then too

2 posts were split to a new topic: Rule Discussion: Roleplay, Antags, Powergaming and You!

This is being closed due to excessive age, as part of an effort to get player reports under control again.