Security's role and valid hunting. MRP

Random searches are completely fine ic and approved by Centcom as the code message states, and is perfectly in line with the rules. On them using lethals to respond, I would say its completely fine for security to take them out with lethals. They’ve clearly proven themselves a threat beyond doubt and serve a severe personal risk to officers and crew.

I’m talking along the lines of security officers taking it upon themselves to execute traitors without first gathering evidence and establishing proof. A security officer will see a stealth item such as an agent id or likewise, immediately recognize the item as a traitor item, and kill you for being valid. In my opinion, an average security officer would not be able to tell an agent id from a regular id and wouldn’t have a good reason to check them anyways.

I know there is no rule on item spotting on the server, but it is one I would like to see implemented.

Personally I’ve had security fiddle with my pens and pdas for simple arrests and random searches, they are clearly looking for antag status without good rp reasons and in my opinion character knowledge to do so.