I just realized about your Power Rangers reference LOL, when you said it i thought you were, for some reason, refering to the janitor
Here’s another pic making THE WALL
I just realized about your Power Rangers reference LOL, when you said it i thought you were, for some reason, refering to the janitor
Here’s another pic making THE WALL
The Powercell Rangers in their Zords Colorized 2022,
The Miriam Hornet Ethnostate is growing
Merry-go-rounds! Paired with Song of Storms on an accordion.
Someone put the teleporter beacon on it.
That was fun. I ran around as borgo with them on my back for while (till I had to go save the AI)
BIG NEWS Axel Hawker embracing enlightment from the church representatives???
Medbay was a little bit busy that round (there were THREE queens in total and crew lost)
I hated that round. No miners so no mechs from robo. The most i did was surgery to turn someone into a hunter basically. So annoying. Plasmeme envirosuit helmets are great to have even if you arent a plasmeme.
Tale of 2 parts.
Hahahaha. Thats amazing.
Clown set up an immigration post on Arrivals, making every new arrival read the paper that contained the terms to enter (you must show feet) and then taking a picture
Clown displaying the collection on the shuttle
(And yes, that’s hi-daniel)
Guess i know what my Clown gimmick is tonight.
Ha that was the round I was a plasmeme Curator chilling in a firesuit. Had to go save the explos when their shuttle got jacked by the survivalist. Then spent the rest of the round finding them dead or dieing in random places and getting them revived.