Savethemcnugget Player Feedback - Xenon LIV, Damocles SD, Fights-The-Evil, and Wing-Ding

Heya, I’m someone who enjoys playing a variety of different roles and I enjoy having separate characters that fit those roles better than just one character that does it all.

Xenon LIV is my Engineer. He is a pacifist that regrets having to take someone else skeleton just to be alive, so he cherishes all living things and will try his best to save all the mice from a shocking themselves to death! Xenon tries to push himself to be a better engineer every day and find new and creative ways to improve the station he is positioned on. Though he has had a bad habit of tripping face first into the SM lately…

Damocles SD is my Captain or Medical preference. He is a very excitable person who very much enjoys the color red and will most likely paint everything he owns red if it isn’t already. You’ll probably see him playing music in some form as it brings him peace in the madness of the station.

Fights-The-Evil is my Miner/Explorer/Secoff. Their name is pretty self explanatory of their behavior. They seek out evil and destroy or subdue it in the name of honor and duty. Fights will always choose the Crusher as their weapon/tool for mining and sees ranged weaponry as a cowards way. As a Secoff or explorer I have to kind of remove that part of his personality or else he would probably not be very effective at his job.

Lastly is Wing-Ding, my newest character! I decided to make him during moth week as it seemed appropriate. He is a Foreigner mime that struggles to interact with the crew due to the language barrier but finds ways around it through mimery! Most of the time you’ll probably see him doing some silly gag or throwing a red beret on top of your head.

Those are my most played lately. I do sometimes play a borg named H.E.L.P.E.R. and an AI named A.E.O.N. but not as much recently. If you’ve interacted with me please tell me what you think as I’d love to find ways to improve how I play my characters!


like to see them around :moth:


Very fluffy moff :heart:, also xenon is a nice character, never one to let the chance to train someone go, 10/10

(I still remember that bb round :frowning:)


Xenon I don’t like. Yesterday they tried to kill poor old me, the AI and kept coming back to the satellite after being arrested. Even though i ended up the station irradiated by an uploaded law and you would have prevented this

H.E.L.P.E.R. is s cyborg name i remember! I have bad memory for names so that means quite a lot


Had a fun time that round chasing you down! I’m sad I missed an opportunity to tesloose and use a beacon to draw it to your sat but I had already spent a hefty amount on bombing med for my optional, and also wasn’t sure if that was going too far.

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