Sasukexsakura1337, note appeal application

I was antag that round 99% sure. He had a pretty good reason to have them alright. Don shot up medbay early in the round. Followed by me (the QM) and a chemist with AA ordering swat crates and a bunch of other shit. It would have been real nice to have if we hadn’t jumped and killed him in the Brig.


Let’s look at the facts.
Sxs1337 plays a guy called nan kelliday
nan sounds kinda like nanny
nannies are powerful beings that should be feared and respected

In conclusion I support this appeal because I do not like spanking


70% that if this note doesn’t get appealed, it will be used against OP to ban him
why no admemes ever mention the context of the situation

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Would fighting a traitor with carp or cqc be considered a need for krav maga?

Best parts are that some of my notes are really REALLY out of context.


I tought metagaming was allowed why can’t you beat someone you know is tator and probably tried to fuck with you with op shit?

Cqc is limited to nuke ops but carp and deswords are full reflects to bullets and would krav would be useful in that situation. Though what Ruko is saying that arresting someone isn’t a immediate need (immediate being that its life or death) for a unique item given to a specific role. And a great counter to carp is stun batons and throwing items like stun batons and ninja stars if contraband has it, you can also you atmos and get ai to lock them in a room and start siphoning and cqc would be killed with bola then range. (Cqc and Carp cannot be merged i’ve tested this myself on Bee code.)



stop bitching and ask nicely. it works.

After thinking about this for way longer then anyone should think about what is just a damn note, i’ve come to the conclusion that there was indeed an “imediate need” to take the gloves.
I shall be removeing it next time i see you in game.

Also - what PerishedFraud said, belive it or not but getting salty about things does not help make an objective judgement.

I apologize for my behavior and will pay for my sins doing a japanese suicide ritual