Sage: Is being a degenerate nyaing asshole fail rp

The Bathroom tile enthusiasts will have a field day with all the hallways


Bro i dont care that there is a guy out there masturbating to kitchen tiling, what i do care about is that we have humans with catears running about on the rp server contributing absolutely nothing to the experience gameplay or rp wise after they make 50 annuendos to dorms and showers, all whilst going “nya~” and “kawai”. Good riddance those cumbeards.

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Lizards, plasma men, IPCs exist yet they aren’t labelled as fetish content

You should a picture of a cat girl and a picture of an IPC to anyone, ask them which one is more sexual, 105 times out of 100, they will point to the cat girl


what if I show them this image

also im pretty sure if you ask anyone most people just won’t answer and run away from the madman asking people on the street about hornyness of 32 bit humans.


this is quite strange indeed

on another note its quite moronic that it “ruins RP” that some one in 2500 or something has cat ears while all the other shit that goes on is apperntly normal for a work day

Some one saying nya(while being cringe and propably cracked down on in excess) is not that much worse then bunch of other stuff that is considerd accaptable RP wise.

If you dont like the felind uwu style thats perfectly fine but seems cherry picked among the other stuff

Damn you


since we use nsv lore for some stuff and our current lore is hidden it’s safe to assume that “nyanspeak” is technically incharacter and canon

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god you apes are just as smart as 1 year ago

grow up.

Let people have fun and not admin mandated “”“FUN”""

bee is minor friendly, felinids are a fetish and should be removed, people with pet collars that nyaa are literal perverts that should not be let anywhere close to bee

Wake up sheeple.
and now its time for hibernation :zzz:


Beelore will never be available to the public as far as we know

I could not have worded it better myself

I am going to personally gib anyone and everyone who voted “No”.

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Meow that’s just uncawwu-ed fwor
moff cat


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