Rule 0 and Rule 2 clarification regarding bigoted speech

These kinds of terms are (generally) not confronted for common reasons:

  • Lack of feedback in social circles

  • The people who are affected by it, or recognize it, understand you don’t just blow up on people over its use since it’s out of genuinely not knowing. It’s bad manners to blow up on somebody.

  • There can be social repercussions in which the environment this knowledge is shared can backfire. Many people “stealth” and say nothing out of fear of it.

That last one is the dangerous one. That’s when somebody plugs their ears, goes lalalala, and starts quoting sanctity of language conservation.

I am against this.
I have also lost confidence in the OP as they state that they believe the usage of cunt is sexist and bigoted.

I am aware Desmond is an English player, as am I, and I have not heard the word used by anyone outside of the UK.
From my experience it’s quite rare and whenever I’ve seen it used, a more jovial way of calling someone dumb.

This seems very disingenuous to me.
An unknown forum first post writing a small novel after being called a word one time which they had to dictionary dive to find the historic meaning of.


This is fucking stupid. The round where it happened was one of the worst rounds I have ever played and there was so much bullshit going on and the thing that gets singled out is the fact that I muttered the word once, I never commented on his race, I never commented on anything about his character other than the fact I thought he was a shit engineer

Also the person I insulted wasn’t the CE, It was a guy named “Bob” who later in the round got banned from sage

Could I ask why this post was made in the form of an admin report?

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its kinda like the word cunt, if you call an American a “fucking cunt” theyll probally get offended, if you call an Englishman or an Australian a cunt they won’t even care, it’s based entirely on culture tbh


Mongol may be allowed but calling someone the dreaded rword isn’t.



I think I should point out that I have literally never gotten even a note for anything I have said and I don’t see myself as a racist and I very much don’t care what fucking race you pick in SS13, what I did care about was the fact that this tiding engineer hadn’t managed to set up power.

Just keep in mind not everyone is natively english speaking person that knows every single racist and homophobic slur in english language
You know what that means?
Yes the word filter is racist against non-english speaking people
uno reverse card


This may come as a surprise but I am not an expert on racial slurs. I am not a big enough gamer for that


This is pretty much my defense tbh.
I hadn’t heard half the words on our filter before the filter existed.


Implement a word filter for bigoted speech
the sensitivity regarding said words and phrases is entirely dependent on the culture
culture is linked to the history of the region
word filter is mostly based on american history
european server
watch as hillarity ensues.

Is this moral imperialism?



You’ve never had someone call you a mong and/or slap the back of their wrist? wow, that’s actually impressive.

Dunno why you are freaking out, no one seems poised to actually punish you for it. just pointing out and asking maybe don’t? plenty of other “good” words to use.

I’ve had people call me a mong but i’m not fucking asian so I guess I didn’t piece together the fucking puzzle

This may be shocking but when someone insults me I don’t do a quick google search so I can find out what they mean so I can respond properly. I just call them a moron and move on

Not once have I ever even seen a asian person be called a “mong” or a “mongaloid” I see it used mostly as calling someone stupid

In a not very shocking turn of events, I don’t think this thread is really going to go anywhere fast.
Admins are aware of and discussing the issue, but I’m going to lock this for now.

Naturally this is being dismissed as an admin report against Tyrannic, but we’ll come back with some sort of statement/ruling soon. No matter what we decide it’s going to upset someone so just sit tight.

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I have editted the first post to remove most references to the admin initially named in the report, since this really has nothing specifically to with him.

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Never got back to posting in this, but this word has been added to filters across the board.